
Sunday, October 11, 2020


It was a hot weekend but where is Fall?

I was able to mow, there was ZERO rain from Hurricane Delta, at least at the farm.  With us being downtown, we were just on the edge of the rain bands and got some nice showers in town but further west, it was sunny and clear.  Another bullet dodged for this season.

Mowing was just about normal, a little less actually.  It had grown but was not crazy and I didn't have to fight standing water so it went quickly.

It's all clean and neat and quite possibly, according to my app, the last time I might have to mow this year.  I checked my history for the last 4 years and the final mowing times have been October 14th, October 26th, and October 20th.  Only one time was it later, November 3rd so there might be one more.  It all depends on the rain and temperatures.  It's still dry out there and nothing in the next week as far as rain.  Once the cooler weather comes it starts to slow the growth.

There isn't cooler weather yet this year.  Here it is.

91 degrees and 'feels like 99'.

It's almost the middle of October!

Coming back from the farm I ran into traffic. A rarity on the weekend and most defniltey a rarity since the pandemic with fewer vehicles on the road.  There was an accident of course and in the end, it took me a little over two hours to get back into town, ugh.  

It's a "rest the remainder of the weekend" kind of day.


  1. Your mowed yard picture is so pretty! Glad it wasn’t overgrown so you could enjoy your Zen time.
    After the peace of the Farm to then encounter that bad traffic – ugh, what a contrast.
    It was hot today. We are supposed to get two weak fronts this week and then maybe an actual cool front in about 10 days.

  2. That is a lot of traffic! I wish it were so warm here. It is in 70s and damp.

  3. I figure we have two more mows and then bliss!

  4. Sitting in Traffic can be a nightmare at times; especially when you don't know what has happened way up ahead of you...........maybe a fender bender from someone who wasn't paying attention in keeping their social distancing which can cause a chain reaction.

    I think we got up to 99 deg. yesterday. Some places reached the triple digits. I think today we will be in the mid 80's.
    Have a great day. My birthday today so I won't be doing a whole lot. Just going to take it easy and do a whole lot of nothing. (maybe working on getting my Christmas cards made which is more fun than working outside.

    Take care, stay safe & stay healthy.
    Smile, and the world smiles with you

    1. Happy Birthday, Colleen! Wishing you a wonderful day!


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