
Friday, November 13, 2020


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found several cool items over the last couple of years. 

Here is one of the latest!

This sturdy and well constructed pallet!  I know pallets are pretty ubiquitous out there and there are tons of things you can do with them.  I've seen a few downstairs over the last couple of years but they are usually in pretty bad shape.  This one though is well made.  The wood slats are all thick cut, free of rot and mostly free of open knotholes.

The end boards are very thick as well. Not sure what kind of wood it is, probably pine though it seems much harder than the pine I've seen before.  Whatever it is, it will make a great project.  I know the boards can be taken apart and used in other things but I like the idea of using a pallet much like it is.  I saw an idea once that put weedblock cloth inside and filled it with soil and then plants in it.  I think it was herbs.

Now wish there had been more!  I'll definitely have to keep an eye out for "future shipments", ha.

But I'm sure it's just one idea out of thousands...


  1. What a deal. Very nice looking pallet. You could lay that in your shed and lay/store bags of garden potting mix on, mulch, bales of straw, etc.

  2. In my area they make pallets out of white oak which is hard, dense, and rot resistant. And because of that, pallets are almost impossible to take apart without raising your blood pressure and busting some knuckles! That also makes them very useful when repurposed. Pallets, either whole or in pieces, are useful for so many things

  3. Good find on that pallet – it is in very good shape. I’m sure you’ll think of a great project to use it for. Maybe a coffee table for outdoors, turn vertical to make a narrow bar, or hang on the barn wall to store garden tools.

  4. I love pallet boards, I try to pick them up anytime I see them hanging around people's trash!!

  5. Like you say, some are in bad shape. That is definitely a good pallet. I csn see using it for pots to germinate seeds in the spring. All the germinating pots could be moved at once to take advantage of the sun or to harden off the seedlings.

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  7. rethink reuse reduce recycle. 💙 Loved this post. Good for you!


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