
Wednesday, December 23, 2020


We haven't decorated for Christmas in a while.  My Mom loved Christmas and she got sick around Christmas-time and passed in July of the following year.  So that first Christmas we just couldn't do it.  Then the next Christmas we thought about it but decided not to again.  

Then a year became two and three and we tried again but the pole of the tree broke and so we just gave up.  We exchange presents every year of course but just no tree or lots of other decorating. 

Then we sold the house and moved, less space etc.

Flash forward to three Christmases ago. You all know I find a variety of cool things downstairs that people discard.  The big score was in early 2018 (this would have been just after Christmas 2017).

I saw this large box (this was the back that was facing me).  I thought "well ok, I could be persuaded, let me check this out some more" and I turned it around.

An artificial tree!  


There was another note on the other side that said "We only used this once and are moving overseas, enjoy!"

I got a valet cart, loaded it up and put it downstairs in our storage room.  2018 Christmas came around and we were packing to change apartment units and so I kind of put it out of my head.  Then last year, 2nd Man had just been laid off and there was no Christmas spirit.  This year though, I was determined and I wanted to do it as a surprise for him.  That's why you haven't seen this tree on our "trash to treasure" posts.  He didn't even know we had it.

So one day a few weeks ago while he was at work, I did some decorating.

I filled up our apothecary jars with a few Christmas-y things (there is another one off camera).

A wreath I put on the inside of the front door.

This wreath is from a very sweet coworker who made it for us and we love it.  This hangs on the outside of the door so all the neighbors can see it.

These are artificial poinsettias we have had in storage.  The are huge with velvet leaves.  They look very real but of course they are kitty safe!

Now for what you all what to what did the tree look like once I set it up?  Did it work?


It's almost 9 feet tall.  It came in three sections with the branches folded up.  You put the bottom section in the base, then the middle section slides into the lower and lastly the top.  There is a cord at the bottom I plugged it in and voila, beautiful tree!

But wait, that's not all...if you push the button again...

...the lights change from white to color!

We have a lot of ornaments in storage at the farm from our earlier tree decorating days.  The are glittery and sparkly and so pretty.  But since this would be Hobart's first Christmas with a tree, I wasn't sure how he would react so I put just some simple ball ornaments on.

Oh and the star on top?  It was a find as well in a different year after Christmas!

So Christmas 2021?  Watch out, it's on!

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. You done Good!
    Your tree is very lovely and I bet 2nd man was really surprised when he arrived home to see the apartment all decked out for the holidays.
    With Sir Hobart you might consider putting on using plastic ornaments. Plastic ornaments is the way to go for anyone who has house pets.
    Wishing you and 2nd Man a Very Merry Christmas.
    Hubby & myself will be spending a nice quiet day to ourselves.

    No family gatherings here this year but now my brother who lives in Ohio will be arranging a conference call to all family members on Christmas evening so at least we will all be together in a different sort of way, just not everyone under the same roof.

  2. you must be watching mistress maddie's blog for decorating ideas! and YAYZ for safe plants around hobart! it's just us and the cats. season's greetings to you and second man and hobart!

  3. Beautiful tree and decorations! Merry Christmas!!

  4. Love it and where did you get the apothecary jars?

  5. That was a 5-star find! I think we all need to feel a little festivity in our lives after this year. Merry Christmas!

  6. It's all lovely! Merry Christmas!

  7. and now you have a tree and i don't. it feels so weird to not have a tree this year. a very merry xmas to you guys!

  8. That is a lovely tree and the different light colours are a nice addition.

  9. Your decorations are beautiful. What a great surprise for 2nd man.


  10. You definitely scored with grabbing that tree! It is beautiful!
    Merry Christmas 🎅👼
    Peace, joy, and kindness in the New Year!

  11. That is a beautiful tree and free. You were lucky with this find and a star! I do wonder what Hobart will react.

  12. You must live a charmed life to find such amazing discards! It is a beautiful tree. Merry Christmas!

  13. Merry Christmas, and all the best to you and your family in the New Year!

  14. The tree is lovely, what a great find!!! I love the candy decor too! Wishing you a lovely Christmas season!!! xx

  15. How absolutely gorgeous! And what a delightful surprise for 2nd man.

    We haven't had a tree up in a number of years either, for lots of similar reasons. Losing family members, especially Mom seems to take some of the joy out of the holiday. This house is only 768sq ft, and it's just too tiny for us, our 3 big dogs, and as of last Friday our new puppy, who is amazingly busy. LOL Hopefully next year we'll have the new house built and the puppy will be mature enough to leave a tree alone!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  16. I think it's a beautiful thing made from love and hope. So know I send you all the love in the world and hope you have a wonderful Christmas 🎄 and wish a splendid new year to all of you (including the kitten contingency).

  17. What a beautiful tree and decorations and a great surprise for 2nd Man! That tree was a wonderful find!
    Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas!

  18. Merry Christmas , be covid safe, be happy x

  19. What a lovely Christmasy post. Happy New Year,Carol.

  20. What an enjoyable post. Thank you for sharing with us. It gave me hope that maybe some year I will be able to decorate again. That tree is wonderful ! Having my own history of "dumpster diving" I can appreciate what joy and surprise to have hit the jackpot with that "dive" from years past. All your decorations are special. Happy New Year.

  21. How beautiful! What a special find. I rarely post but I read your blog every day. Merry Christmas!

  22. Love reading about your journey, the tree is beautiful. May I be the first to wish you both a very merry Christmas and a happy an healthy new year


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