
Wednesday, December 9, 2020


If you saw Monday's post, you'll see the frost damage to our citrus.  Well two weekends ago, in anticipation of the freeze, we pulled the fruit that was on the trees.

Only the orange and lime produced as the lemon was nibbled on during the Great August Goat Incident so we'll hope for some lemons next year.

Above is the harvest.
Five satsuma oranges and eight limes.

The limes were wonderful.  Tart and very strong lime flavor.  I love lime in my iced tea.  We also used some in a marinade for chicken.

The oranges, well, 2nd Man is crazy for oranges especially these smaller "zipper skin" types.  They were SO good.  Really bright and sweet, just like oranges should be.  

It was nice to have these and gave us a taste (figuratively AND literally, ha) of what it will be like to have them at our disposal.  Now if we can just keep them from freezing in the Winter...


  1. Your oranges and limes look beautiful. I know they tasted absolutely delicious!

    1. Fruit is just like tomatoes from the garden, no comparison to store bought huh? Thanks!

  2. Franklin and I went for a walk today and observed that a lot of people in the hood have covered their favorite plants and small trees with sheets or blankets or whatevers.


    1. yep, that's kind of all we can do isn't it? Sigh. Cover and hope for the best, ha.

  3. I'm glad you're finally getting the fruits of your labors! 😁 I'm enjoying the ride along with you every day. 💖

    1. Alison!!! we miss you. Who knew COVID would screw up the world like it has. Sigh. Hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe.

      Thanks it's nice to see some result still a long way to go.


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