
Friday, February 5, 2021


 Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found several cool items over the last couple of years.

Here is one of the latest! 

I always try to snag these when someone puts some out, especially the big ones like these.  They are the bags that new pillows, comforters, etc come in.  Someone put these out a couple weeks ago...seems they probably got a whole new bedroom set as there were four pillow sized bags, one large comforter sized bag and a smaller one that had a sheet set in it. 

The higher end brands usually have really nice bags (as these did).  Sturdy handles, wire reinforcements around the edges, and are made of a thicker, heavy duty plastic.  These even had two zippers like a suitcase.  you can also flip the insert card over (or make your own) for labeling what's inside.

So how do we use them?

Much like their original use...

Of course we put quilts and blankets in them...

Unused pillows in the ones that are pillow sized...

They also work great for our crocheted afghans and other things that are seasonal.  We use smaller ones in the kitchen storage bench with dishtowels in them.  They are probably not mouse proof, I'm sure if they wanted in they could chew through them, ha, but they are at least mouse resistant because after a few years, so far so good.  Of course we usually keep these (as the ones above) on top shelves in the closets.  Oh and we put pieces of cedar in them, as necessary, for moths.

The smaller ones we use in other places.  A container in the living room has one filled with plain white emergency candles in case the power goes out.  2nd Man uses another one to store computer cables and cords.  They really have many uses to stay organized.

We'll take 'em and keep them out of the landfill.


  1. Them are nice bags and always best to recycle than having them going to the landfill and from the looks of it; you are making good use out of them.
    They can also be good for storing.........
    winter sweaters / winter wear
    Legos / toys / stuffed animals
    The smaller bags for traveling items if you have kids, crayons, coloring books, etc
    Great bags to hold your collection of baseball caps in
    if you are a sewer; great for holding fabric
    Great for mini greenhouses for seed starting
    Storing camping items or garden tools
    storing outdoor bench cushions / outdoor throw pillows pillows in during the winter months.
    The bags have many uses. If you have no use for them; Donate them to a thrift store.
    There are some folks that probably could use them for storing some of their items in if they are in process of moving.

    1. Good ideas and I like the thought of donating unused ones. Great use for unused ones. Thanks for these ideas.

  2. Reuse/recycle - good for you! And those bags are excellent for all sorts of things.

    1. Thanks!! Yes, we find them really useful. It's usually just that we don't buy thing often enough to get many so we love finding some from time to time.

  3. when you move out of that place, don't turn in all of your keys!

  4. Wow, those are great! You have done a wonderful job on using them for organization. You had a good idea for storing your linens and towels in them at the Farm so they stay clean and protected from mice.

    1. Yep, we should have mentioned it's not just the mice thing and bugs in general but they stay clean, no dust, nothing. Just clean and fresh when needed.

  5. I love those bags! When I buy something that comes in those bags, I always keep them and use them for storage! I have material, out of season clothes, all sorts of things.

    1. Exactly! We just never buy enough new things to build up a quantity and so when I see some I snatch them up and soon as I can. Out of season clothes, great idea too!

  6. reduce rethink reuse recycle 💙 I do the same thing with the thick plastic packaging. have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Those are very handy! Great find!

    1. Aren't they though? Thanks, I check almost daily. It's weird but we never know what I might find that we can use, ha.


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