
Sunday, March 14, 2021


 The first mow of the season...

We had the weeds starting to pop up taller than the grass and because the weather was cool, the threat of rain was looming and I had other projects to do with more coming next weekend, the best bet was to go ahead and mow.

Wide open spaces.

Love mowing!

And when it's done it's so satisfying.  I always mow a bit short early in the season.  We are approaching what we call the "rainy season" around here and so I want to make sure it's done in case I have to miss a weekend due to rain.

It was about normal in distance covered etc and a little less time-wise because the grass wasn't as thick as it sometimes is when mowing.

Overall, it was a great feeling to be back on the Zen Machine...not unlike this feeling...

I always feel like I can solve the problems of the world while I'm in the "Zen zone", ha.

Hope you had a good weekend!  In case you missed yesterday's post, be sure to check it out for the latest addition to the farm!


  1. I still have snow piles and you are on the tractor! ay yi yi!

    1. Our "snow piles" disappeared a few days later when it hit 75 ha. Hang in there, Spring is coming!

  2. It got chilly when the front came in today. Before it came in, I was able to work in the garden for awhile.
    Your yard always looks so nice after you mow – like a park. Love those wide expanses of green lawn.

    1. Thanks, it does look nice and green. It's so empty at times I want to just go crazy planting but we have to think ahead for when the house gets redone/replaced, because then whatever I plant might be run over or in the way ha.

  3. At least you didn't get stuck this time. :} Your yard always looks like a beautiful park after mowing.
    With the yard freshly mowed. all is needed now is a blanket, a picnic basket along with a little music and some wine. :}
    Have an enjoyable evening.

    1. Thank you, it's always nice when it's green and "under control" ha. Now a picnic basket some music and wine, I like how you think!

  4. The cold and snow coming your way is awful for March, at least to me. The green expanses look peaceful. Mowing time is meditation time?

    1. The snow definitely won't make it here, thankfully. Our coldest temp will be Fri/Sat and that's a low of 49, and a high of 65...we'll take that. It might be the last cool day of the season ha.

      Mowing is definitely my zen time and yeah sometimes I will mow for 20 minutes and not even have a recollection of doing it. I was just in the zone and lost in thoughts. It's nice, ha.

  5. I am looking forward to the smell of fresh mown grass

    1. Oh yes, I LOVE freshly mown grass smell. It's coming soon!!

  6. Freshly mowed yard always looks so nice. My husband would said the same thing = while mowing he solved the problems of the world, relaxed, and was at ease.

    1. Right? Love it, except about July/August, ha. I get on the mower and sometimes I listen to my headphones and other times it's just me in my head and I'm at ease too, ha.

  7. Hello ! Can you tell me what you are using to calculate your mowing statistics , is it an app ? Pls advise.. K~

    1. Yes!! It's called MowerPlus (it's all one word like that) and it's for and/or by John Deere but you don't need to have a John Deere for it to work. What it does is use google maps (satellite view) with your phone while you're on the mower and it maps you using GPS. Then it calculates how far fast much you've mowed. So really it can be any mower since it's just tied to your phone. I love it and best of all it keeps your history. I can go back 5 years (since that's when I first downloaded it) and see how much I mowed. Nice to compare back to similar days.

    2. That is so cool, thanks so much. Can't wait to Dl and use!! Have a great day !!


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