
Saturday, March 20, 2021


Well look what we have here...

The pear trees are in bloom!

The plum trees are in bloom!

The apple trees are in bloom!

And we have it on good authority from this little lady we saw last weekend that SPRING IS HERE!

Today as this posts, I'll be at the farm...shouldn't have to mow so soon after last week so hopefully I'll be able to get some things planted.  The big event today is to get the blueberries planted in their new homes and then get the veggie garden started, depending on what plants I found on the way to the farm.

Tomorrow, we will go pick up the farm truck.  We bought it last week of course but they had to get stuff out of it and clean it up a bit and then get the paperwork on their end processed.  We also had to get a third parking space set up at the apartment, temporarily of course, while we get some things done on the truck.  

We hope that your first day of Spring is off to a good start!


  1. Looking Good.
    Have noticed with the bit of rain and then the warmer temperatures along with the sun that things are really going to town in blooming and leafing out.
    Yes, Spring as sprung.
    Enjoy your day and happy planting

    1. Believe Me; once summer arrives and the temperature reaches up to 100 deg, I will not complain about the heat after going through them freezing temperatures that we had last month.

    2. Well I might still complain but I'll think back to the freeze and calm down, ha. Yep everything is leafing out though still a bit behind where it should be. Have fun too!!

  2. Looking for 73° up here in S. CO today ... sunshine and blue skies today and then for the week we will be in the 40s and 50s before it warms up again!
    So lovely seeing the Spring blossoms!

    1. That's beautiful weather. I can't even imagine how beautiful it must be up there when everything starts leafing and budding. Enjoy!!!

  3. It's acting like spring here too but no blossoms just lots of sun and warming temps. Snow is disappearing fast - puddles and mud intead.

    1. The winter wonderful because yucky and dirty. But only for a bit, you'll have blooms and trees in no time.

  4. Replies
    1. It really is isn't it? The renewal of life.

  5. Happy First Day of Spring! The sun and blue skies were beautiful today.
    Your blooming trees are so pretty. I love your picture of the bee on the blossom.

    1. Oh my gosh it was SO perfect this weekend. We don't get many of these days do we? Thanks, I was lucky to capture that picture.

  6. Replies
    1. Fruit tree blossoms are so pretty aren't they? Wish they could stay like that all the time but we do want the fruit that can come from that, ha.

  7. The citrus trees are blooming and the air has a sweet good smell to it if you are near a grove or single tree. I think winter is over here. We have had temps in the 80's, today in the 70's and over cast. Hope we get some rain.

    1. Oh the citrus bloom scent is always so intoxicating. Love it. Ours are probably dead but we're still waiting. But yes I've been around large trees in full bloom and wow just amazing. Hope you get your rain and then perfect weather!

  8. looks like you might have a lot of fruit this year! get ready to can! i've been starting seeds and getting my hands in the dirt. i have so much to do! happy spring!

    1. It won't be for lack of trying, ha. Hoping this is the year. I have always loved Spring and playing in the dirt, ha. Happy Spring to you too!!! Let the planting begin!

  9. The garden centers where really busy today. Was so glad to get out of there.
    I'm not much for being in crowds so was glad to get what I wanted and get out as fast as I could.

    1. Oh my gosh, yes, there was a line of cars getting in and then crowds of people. Thankfully most had their masks but still, I think I have PTSD, crowds just make me nervous right now. Stay safe!!

  10. I remember from an earlier post, you were interested in some kind of bed liner for the new truck ... I happened to be browsing on line and see they have several options at that custom floor mat site that I can't remember right now ... but I'm sure your young brains can figure it out and look on their site ...

    1. I know the site you are talking about, weathertech? Been checking them out, ha. Looking at them and spray on. Decisions decisions, ha. Thank you sir!!!


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