
Sunday, May 16, 2021


Well, this week is going to be wet...

...and it's starting today. In fact, as we post this, it's pouring rain here in Houston and at the farm.

We are under flash flood watches and warnings and they said it will probably be that way all week.  At least I got to the farm yesterday but the errands we were going to run today are cancelled.

And of course, it's HOBART SUNDAY!  Here is a picture of him doing what he seems to do best, sleeping.  Of course look outside behind him; it's raining and gray and gloomy but he has a warm fuzzy blanket and some soft pillows...hmm, I think we're getting sleepy too!

We've got a couple of chickens dry brining in the fridge and we'll roast those later.  We always do two, eat one and take the meat off the second one for a future meal.

Hope you have a having a better weekend!


  1. please send some this way! we sure need it!

    1. I'll see what we can do! I saw your incredible gardens and property, wow. I know rain is important for sure!

  2. We are to have little rain and lots of sun this week since we have had enough of rains and clouds the last few weeks. But, we usually get your rain systems once you are done with them. Cooking extra for later is the best policy.

    1. Seems like there is rain all over the country this week. And yep, if we heat the oven for one why not two or three, ha.

    2. A high area is holding your rain off us this week. I once cooked three turkey breasts at one time in a turkey bag. Tommy was so happy to carry off a whole cooked turkey breast.

  3. you're having the same what we are getting and will be getting for all this upcoming week. Started to rain here early this morning and has been raining since.
    The birds and ducks are enjoying this wet weather.

    1. Receiving yet another Big down pour, so since early this morning; as of right now we have received 2 1/2 inches.

    2. I think we've had 1 1/2 so far. More coming. So they say. We need it and I know y'all need it. If it's spread out that's OK. No flooding!! Stay dry!

  4. HOBART! a good day for a nap for cats and humans alike!

    1. I know you love a Hobart picture! Yes, naps were DEFINITELY taken today.

  5. Yes, it was a very rainy day and will be a rainy week. We got 2.5 inches today, with lots of lightning and thunder. I’m glad you made it to the Farm yesterday and got some things done.
    Good idea about roasting two chickens at a time. It’s always good to have the fixings for a meal already done and in the freezer.
    Hobart had the right idea. He sure looks comfy. It was a great day for napping.

    1. I was going to go on Sunday but then I saw the forecast. Glad I did. Of course I watered Saturday...oops, ha. Yeah, we always roast at least two. We figure if we heat it up once, let's get more than one meal out of it, ha. Oh the naps were good today. ;-)

  6. It's already soaking here at the Sanctuary, we have the same forecast as the farm. Hopefully this weekend it will dry up, and we'll have tons of fresh growth. Stay cozy even though it's hot & humid.


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