
Friday, May 7, 2021


 Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.

Here is one of the latest!

This box probably had bottles in it, wine bottles most likely, or olive oils.  It's very well made and very sturdy.  It was probably something shipped that had to be strong to hold up during the process.  The wood is solid and hard so it should last a while.

We've taken it to the farm where I put it in the barn so I can find a great use for it.  I did discover that it fits nicely into a drawer in the workbench so maybe I can use it to sort items like screwdrivers or something similar.  2nd Man already has items like this (organizers, dividers) for his kitchen drawer supplies so it's my turn to use it for tools or something else, ha. 


  1. Normally a wooden crate like that would have had a lid that it would either slide into a grove; of which I don't see a grove to where a lid would slide into so the lid must had been just nailed on top.
    Great item that can be used in many ways. Could even be hung either vertical or horizontally or like you suggested; in a drawer for organizing your small tools, small gardening tools, screw drivers, hammer, pliers, etc.

    1. Yeah, drawer organizer seemed like a good idea. I might stain it or paint it sometime to make it last a bit longer. I never thought about hanging it, hmm, will have to consider that. Definitely no groove I figured just nailed on top too.

  2. You found a good one! It will be great for storage, displaying items, organization, all kinds of uses.

    1. Hey, it's not like it will just sit around, it went right to the farm, into a drawer and already being used, ha.

  3. Replies
    1. It was and well made so I figured it needed to be rescued from the landfill.

  4. Looks so sturdy!
    How about for storing seed packets?
    So many uses could be found.

    1. OOOH! I like the seed packet idea, thanks!!! Will test that theory out and see how they fit. If that worked it could be decorated really fun too! Thanks!

  5. My first thought: that would make a great spice rack!

    1. Oh another good suggestion. Hmm, will think about that one too. Of course 2nd Man gets all the fun stuff, ha.

  6. Replies
    1. Oh it totally has that vibe. That's a good idea, and it could get repurposed for that at the farm. Thanks!!!


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