
Saturday, June 12, 2021


No rain in 8 days...

Sunny and clear...

Temps in the 90's...

It should be a good day to mow and edge and do a hundred other things I need to do at the farm.  However, mowing is number one on my list.  I have GOT to mow or we'll start to lose some of the trails and it will just get harder and harder to cut.

There could be rain next week so this is the window of opportunity!  

Hope you all have a great start to your weekend!


  1. We had a very light mist early this morning but now come Sunday - Friday we have rain in the forecast.
    We had just mowed our yard but it needs cutting again. Ground is still muddy in spots and still have water standing in our ditch but that 1 1/2 inches that we got on Monday really made the yard worse. It's like trying to mow in between the rain showers.
    Enjoy your day and hope you get things accomplished that you want to do.

  2. Daddy had to keep trails in 10 acres mowed, or like you said, we lost them. I love trails as a child.

  3. Hoping you have a good day at the Farm. It’s very warm today – but after the Big Freeze in February, I said I’d never complain about Texas heat again.

  4. Enjoy mowing at the farm!! I mowed our lawn the other day, first time since we moved here last year! It was a jungle out there lol!


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