
Friday, June 25, 2021


Was in the store recently and saw this...

...a "pool" for the back end of a truck, though we think the word pool is a bit of a stretch, LOL.  More like a "cool tub" instead of a hot tub?  Or perhaps a bathtub?  Anyway, I saw it and laughed...and then I thought...

...we DO have a truck now!?



  1. LOL. Now that is what I call a Redneck pool.
    Nice thing about it, I'm sure it would help you cool down when working at the farm; park in the shade; sitting in that with a cold glass of ice tea; it would be cool & refreshing. Just don't fall asleep.

    1. Happen to think; fill that up with water you may end up blowing out the back tires.............Not a Good Thing.

  2. Park in the shade or the water would get really hot than after mowing strip down to you undies and climb in, when cooled off just empty the water in a place that really need some extra water.

  3. That big ole smiley face tells me you are seriously thinking on that! LOL
    Use it on the ground like a kiddie pool!

  4. Drat! Now, I have to buy a truck! You can just use a tarp. I wonder how many of these things they sell.

    1. I was going to suggest the same thing. I've seen that here, but never tried it myself. I'd keep an eye o the tires while filling, but I know we've loaded literally tons into our truck and hardly had any issue with the tires other than feeling a tad boggy.

      We have a river along our road, are only 15 miles from some nice beaches on Lake Huron, and have dozens of nice fishing lakes in a 10 mile radius.

      The new farm we're buying has a spring fed pond and a stream which burbles across the base of the back "yard" which flows to a river across the corner of the property, which then flows the 2 miles to Lake Huron.

      I just adore Michigan for it's water!

  5. Even better, make your tractor into a "pool" so you can cool off while mowing. It will be a very small pool, however. You won't be able to share with your buddies the way you can if you use the truck.



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