
Monday, September 27, 2021


It was a cool start to the day.  It was 64 just before 9am at the farm.  It was beautiful.  I decided to go ahead and mow and be done with that.

CROP CIRCLES!  OK, so it's just the way I mowed over the front yard, going in a tighter circles while trying to disperse/even out the clippings when I was done.

About usual speed and distance.  OK with that.  Still some areas I've stayed away from until it gets cooler and the grass is dormant.  But, KNOCK ON WOOD, the mower is working as it should.

Guess what else?

I fixed the gate!

Without 2nd Man to help, I stood there for a bit thinking "how do I hold the gate in the right position to drill the new holes and put in new screws"?  Then I looked down and realized that I could use one of the landscape timbers to hold it up.  It worked perfectly!  I remounted both hinge pieces and was also able to redo the latch (since it didn't line up).  Now it works just as it should.  Small victory.  All I needed was for it not to be a "feels like" of 115 like it was all Summer, ha.

I did some work in the garden and bought a few bags of soil and compost to get ready for Fall planting.  Hoping to plant some collards and Napa cabbage.  For sure we'll be planting the garlic.

I also spent some time looking around inside the house for the snake.  I took a flashlight and opened every door and cabinet (with caution of course) and looked under the beds.  The only place I couldn't (or didn't) want to try to move were the couches.  I'll just assume it's not under there.  Everywhere else was clear.

The only guests were...

...these spiders.  They are everywhere this time of year but thankfully this one was just up in the corner of the porch out of my way.  I let her do her thing.  They eat bugs and mosquitoes and even wasps.  Go for it!

I watered everything well since rainfall has been sparse of late.  I didn't edge, still putting that off because it's going to be a lot of work and it was getting a bit warm.

By the time I left for the day it was 88 with a feels like of 92.  Not terrible but still not what we would call "FALL WEATHER".  It was perfect for a couple of days.  We do enjoy the lower humidity but really, you can't say high 80's or low 90's is Fall.  But that's coming.


On Sunday we had some work done on the truck so that was a farm errand of a different sort.  We've been slowly getting things done on it.  Last month we had all four tires replaced (tires are expensive).  I'd like to have new wheels but those are even worse, ha.  At least we have new reliable tires and the ones we got are made for rough roads as well as highway driving so hopefully they'll be good.

More on the truck later!


  1. The brain does work better when it’s not being half-fried in oppressive heat! Glad you figured out a way to get the gate fixed solo.
    You went on a Snake Hunt and didn’t find one - yeah!
    Yep, let that little spider do her work - anything that eats mosquitoes and flies is my friend.
    Your truck is all ready for plenty of farm work with its new shoes!

    1. Amen to that! Heat really does make you just want to do the least possible, ha. No snakes, at least in the obvious spots, fine with us. New shoes on the truck I like that!!

  2. i always leave spiders alone even inside. if they aren't bothering me, i'm not bothering them. but where is that snake? we had some cooler weather which was wonderful but now it's hot again.

    1. Yep, I used to catch spiders in cups and let them go outside. Now of course, since the farm has black widows, um, they get "silenced" where I find them, ha. The cooler weather was nice while it lasted. Sigh.

  3. We have many of those same looking spiders; I leave them alone. I've seen a few with grasshoppers tangled in the web so I'm happy they're providing a little pest control. Good luck with your snake situation; hopefully, it slithered back outside. Eeekkk!

    1. Yes these spiders do great work at pest control. They are all over the farm. Scary looking but once you get used to them, they are cool to see. We hope the snake is long gone too, ha.

  4. The cooler nights and mornings are heavenly. Even the afternoons aren't too bad here because of lower humidity. I'd love to see you create a real crop circle. I don't know if it's good or bad that you didn't find the snake.


    1. I LOVE the cooler weather. Just wished it stayed around longer ha. If the grass in the fruit tree area gets any taller, I could make a crop circle, ha. Never thought about the lack of the snake from that perspective.

  5. Two Men - the cost of the new tires to be followed by buying new wheels will surely delay your rebuilding plans but, if the project is still in process, I would love to learn what the situation is, Roderick

    1. Oh things are still on track. In fact may have an update here in a month or two. We keep a separate fund for some farm expenses. I just hate turning loose of that, ha. I could use it for fruit trees or a new garden tool, LOL. But as was pointed out above, "new shoes" for the truck, ok, I can live with that. But yep project is still in the works. ;-)

  6. I bought my last tires at Walmart and was surpeised how much cheaper they are and the warrenty was even better on them. Yes 17 inch or 18 is very expensive. I had a 4-runner and a very good suv but the tires were expensive but the old ones had dry rot on them . Florida heat and low mileage will do that. Very nice looking truck you have.

    1. We ended up up at Discount Tire, we found the one we wanted and it was buy three get one plus we get a rebate. It wasn't bad, all things considered, just still very pricey. I was thinking "maybe $50 each", noooope! ha. Thanks about the truck, we got it back in March/April of this year. Here is the original post on it:

  7. We have always gotten our tires at Discount tires. After so many miles they will rotate your tires for you at no cost. Also; check into their insurance for the new tires. Cost just a little extra to have, but it's well worth it.
    Another thing; if you go back to have Discount Tire rotate your tires; Be there right when they open up or you will have a long line if you get there later in the day.

  8. Might check Costco for new rims... so many things cheaper there.. but with anything metal (like the chips in electronics) hard to get and prices going up.


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