
Friday, October 15, 2021


 We don't know about y'all, but we're both kids at heart around here...and a favorite memory from childhood was the annual airing of the Peanuts holiday shows.

It was a tradition as kids to watch every year (same with The Wizard of Oz, but that's a different story). 

These have been hit and miss in recent years and sometimes they only show one and not any of the others.  The other day, we read that all three are coming back this year on PBS, which probably means commercial free too.  Yes!

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Sunday, October 24 at 7:30pm ET on PBS

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 21 at 7:30pm ET on PBS

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Sunday, December 19 at 7:30pm ET on PBS

We could all use a bit of the innocence of childhood in these trying times.  We for one, can't wait to welcome back some old friends!


  1. I'm probably the only person on the face of the earth who isn't a Charlie Brown fan but then I never was into watching cartoons. I always spent most of my time out doors then in front of the TV set.

    1. Not a fan per se, but these specials we always seemed to watch every year. If they had a new movie today, not sure I'd go out of my way to watch it, but these just bring back childhood, ha.

  2. I love Charlie Brown. The world is a better place for these episodes. People who don't watch them are poorer for their lack.

    1. They had such a pure and honest message back then.

  3. I loved the Peanuts comic strips and the holiday shows. Snoopy the dog has a special place in my heart.
    Great news that the shows will be shown again this year.

    1. Ahh, Snoopy is pretty awesome. It'll be fun to watch.

  4. Additionally, who can resist the soundtrack!

    1. Oh yeah, there is that. The music is awesome and so iconic.

  5. I loved those shows. They were special events. Christmas is my favorite.


    1. They were event TV back in the day. Kids don't have that now but it's nice to relive ours.

  6. These bring back such memories. Like Colleen I was never a big fan, didn't read the comic strips or buy the books but there was something about these three specials that just felt warm and enjoyable. Maybe because I watched it along with my kids and saw it through their eyes but it was like a nice blanket, just "comfortable". Janie V

    1. This is a good description of us too. Never read the comic strips just watched because back in the day with such limited options, and knowing these would be on once a year made them special.

  7. Fun! I know that most of the Holiday specials (like Rudolph) can be found elsewhere but it isn't the same experience as looking forward to them being on TV. Even recording them takes that certain something out of it. I remember the excitement when the TV guide arrived, finding the airtime and making plans.

    1. Yes, this exactly. I'm sure all of these are somewhere online, youtube or something. But having them on TV is just funned makes them special. Yep, I remember being outside playing and my parents saying "don't forget, tonight is the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and I made sure I was back in time, ha.

  8. Okay, these are on my calendar. Snoopy was my son's favorite of all time!

    1. Yay. We checked our local PBS and have seen several commercials for it with the day and time but our guide shows something else on (at least as of today). We still set it to record.

  9. I too heard they were all going to be shown this year. I've always been a huge Peanuts fan.

    1. It'll be fun to see the again won't it? I hope some young kids today will be introduced to it.


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