
Tuesday, October 12, 2021


So recently, we had some thunderstorms roll through.  I decided to try to catch some lightning.

First photo.  Catching lightning is hard because, well, it IS lightning and of course you don't know when it will strike.  It was coming fast and repeatedly so what I usually do is have my shutter on automatic and I just hold down the button for a few seconds at a time and hope I can capture it.  That's what happened here.

Second photo.  Whoa!

Third photo.  OMG!

Fourth photo is blurry because, well, for obvious reasons, I didn't have the steadiest hand at this point! I'm lucky I didn't pee myself, LOL!  Remember, all of these pictures happened in less that 2 seconds.  I wish the final picture had been sharper but I can assure you, it was quite the light show in person!

And loud.


  1. Lo9ve your photos; BUT don't you know you shouldn't be outside with lightening in the skies. It can strike at anytime and anywhere.
    Standing on a metal patio.....NOT a good thing. That 3rd photo looks a bit too close for comfort.
    Take care and have a great evening.
    We have chance of showers through Thursday

    1. Well it seemed far enough away but yeah this was a bit close.

  2. Wow, those are some very dramatic photos. The third one is very scary! I imagine the boom of the thunder was enormous! I would have jumped 10 feet.
    You should send them to the meteorologists at the Houston TV channels.

    1. It was very loud for sure. Good idea, I will reach out to some meteorologists.

  3. That is a dramatic series of lightning! So close!

  4. Replies
    1. Definitely, I was done for the night after that, ha.


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