
Sunday, November 28, 2021


It's been a hit and miss weekend with the weather.  Thanksgiving Day was wet all day (in fact Houston's parade was cancelled at the last minute).  Friday was nice but then Saturday was wet and now today, it was supposed to be nice but as this posts, it's gray and cold and sprinkling rain.  

We didn't do the big turkey dinner like we have in the past, we did the casserole dish and it was so good.  I didn't get pictures of that but it looked just like the chicken one we made a few weeks back, only with turkey meat, ha.  Recipe coming soon.

Homemade Pecan Pie

For dessert, 2nd Man made a pecan pie.  It was delicious.  We ate it Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Then it was gone, ha.

Hobart in the sunshine

What did Hobart do this long weekend?  Sleep wherever it was warm!  When it was sunny, he was in his favorite spot, on his afghan, on a dining room chair, at the window in the sunshine.

Hope you had a great weekend.  Four days off is amazing to refresh and relax.  Where do we vote to have a four day weekend once a month? 


  1. The pie looks delicious. I want to make a pecan pie when I find pecans.

    1. Thanks! They have been hard to find here too. Not sure why. I wish we had a pecan tree at the farm. I'd plant one now but it might be a long time before we had pecans, ha.

  2. Amazing looking pie!! Hobart looks nice and snuggled up.

    1. Thank you it came out great. And yep, he's doing what he does best, LOL! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  3. 2nd Man’s pecan pie looks sooo delicious! And it was made in that great cast iron pie pan.
    Hobart has the right idea - catnapping in this chilly, gray weather.

    1. Thanks and yep, he LOVES that pie pan. And I love the end result, ha. It has been a yucky weekend of weather huh? Just dreary. But I see better weather is on the way.

  4. Pie looks delicious.
    Bought some apples yesterday so I'm about ready to make an apple crisp in one of my cast iron skillets; probably one of my larger skittles being I have 6 lbs of apples. Thank goodness I have an apple peeler / corer to do most of the work for me.


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