
Monday, January 10, 2022


This weekend was a crazy one.  We had it all.  Heavy storms came through with rain, lightning, hail, some funnel clouds and even several tornadoes North of us.  Friday night it was in the 30's, yesterday it was near 80.  Tonight it's going to be back down to the 40's.

The farm showed the effects of the recent 29 degree temps, the grass has moved to it's "brown phase".  No mowing for a couple months.  Usually March is the first time I break out the mower.  All I really needed to do was beat the rain.  I checked on the plants on the porch.  The pineapples were fine but the bananas had some freeze damage.  They should bounce back.

It was slightly overcast and sunny when I got there but the dark clouds started rolling in and I could hear thunder.  Time to get a move on.  I drove through a monsoon rain on the way back.

After dinner (see yesterday's post), we started getting breaking weather alerts and so we turned to our local channel right as they were saying that "a radar indicated potential tornado" was approaching downtown Houston.  I went out on the balcony to check the skies.  The lightning flashing in the sky illuminated some dark clouds for sure.  Someone on another balcony came out and said "are you looking for the tornado too?".  Thankfully, it moved through here with no actual tornado touch down but about 20 miles North of downtown, FIVE touched down and caused damage.  All small, EF-0 or EF-1 on the scale, but scary indeed.

Friday it was in the 40's for a high.  Then Saturday it warmed up to the upper 70's (hence the storms) and Sunday it was 70's and rainy then it dropped to 50's and today it's sunny and clear and tonight it's back down into the 40's...

This is kind of the life we lead here in this part of the country. Don't like the weather? Just wait. It'll change.


  1. Living in the Pacific Northwest, we have been stuck in a cold, wet pattern for months it seems and I have thought it must be nicer down south. It sure doesn't sound like it! Your neck of the woods sounds pretty crazy with the high and low temps, but the tornadoes sound the worst. Stay safe!

    1. I've been seeing that on the news and weather. Hope you guys get warmer and dry at least for a bit. It was crazy but we've come to expect that.

  2. I guess it's true what they say, you really can get a sunburn on your frostbite.

  3. We are having the same weather. I literally wore short and flip flops oe day until about 6 pm, changed into flannels and a sweatshirt, then went outside about 2 am so I could be in the snow!

    1. The weather is screwy everywhere this year. From flip flops to snow, wow!!!Stay warm!

  4. I am pretty sure you can be snatched off the balcony even by a baby tornado. Stay indoors!

    1. Oh yes, I didn't step all the way out, just wanted to see what was going on. We even anticipated which room we would go to in case something was coming. Scary indeed.

  5. I’ve been switching my central air from a/c to heat then back to a/c - over and over. Tonight I have a fire in my fireplace - it makes it so warm and cozy.
    Your storms were really scary. 5 tornadoes - yikes! Glad the downtown one didn’t touch down. The bad weather barely missed us here.
    I’m glad your tropicals on your Farm porch were ok. I think there is some freeze cloth that you can put on them and leave it for awhile because it lets in the sunshine. That would protect your pineapples and bananas if we get a “sneaky” unexpected freeze or if you can’t make it out to the Farm to protect them.

    1. Right? Our apartment, with such thick concrete between floors and walls (it's like 12 inches thick) and we don't notice the temp changes that much. Thankfully. Great idea about the freeze cloth, I might have to look into that for those "sneaky freezes" because let's face it, it IS Southeast Texas and crazy weather is our thing.

  6. I'm a little to the west of you and experiencing the same wild temperature swings. Luckily, I didn't have the weather warnings you did over the weekend. How scary it was in the Houston area. This weekend looks like it should be nice!

    1. It is wild swings in temps. And just saw the weather forecast on the news and looks like we'll have more rollercoaster temps. No severe storms though, so that's good. Yep weekend will be nice.


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