
Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 Recently, a very special friend of ours gifted us an early birthday present.  She decided we needed a birdhouse for the farm but just not any birdhouse...

Red Barn

...she wanted something that matched our barn.  See above...and now, behold...

Red Barn Birdhouse

How's THIS for a birdhouse?!?!

It's all handmade and painted and hinges at the roofline to open it for cleaning etc.  There's even a perch inside for the birds to sit.  We were amazed when we saw it.  It's a duplicate right down to the smaller door on the side and the clay pots in front!  Even the pitch of the roof is the same!  I guess this is a sign we need to put some "Knockout Roses" in the pots so it matches.  

We think it's almost too pretty to use as a birdhouse but hey, the birds need a great spot to call home too!

It was just too beautiful not to share with all of you.


  1. Wonderful! You'll have some very happy birds :)

  2. What an amazing creation. Just perfect and such a thoughtful custom gift.

  3. That is hands down the neatest birdhouse ever. Wow. What a beautiful thing. Janie V

  4. Ok that is an amazing reproduction of your barn. Someone put a lot of effort into that. How neat. I'm with you, I'd be afraid to use it, it's just too nice, haha. Sam

  5. What a wonderful and special gift! It’s beautifully constructed and will make a perfect home for some lucky birds at the Farm.

  6. Thanks for sharing ... It is a beautiful reproduction of your barn! Put it where you can get pictures of the birds that take up residence in it!

    1. Maybe once hung up he can maybe set up a trail cam close by or maybe he will just use it as a decorative piece.


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