
Sunday, February 13, 2022


Well here we are, another week gone by.  It's colder here, though no freeze.  Close, 33 degrees, but nothing to worry too much about.

As this posts, we're not sure what we're having today but yesterday we had a wonderful dish... was the broccoli cheese rice casserole we make and this time we added cooked chicken to it.  Mixed it all up, topped it with some cheese and then baked it in the oven for about 30 minutes.

It was so good.  A casserole is ALWAYS a comfort food on a cold day.  Oh, who are we kidding, casseroles are just good comfort food period, ha. 

Not sure who we're rooting for but we hope your team wins!  We don't have a horse in this race and it's not here in Houston like it was a few years ago, so maybe we'll root for good commercials?  Ha! 

Hobart is the least interested of course.  He'd rather sleep.  He has changed sleeping locations this weekend and now he's on these round cushions.  They used to be in our window seat at the house we sold and the cats enjoyed sleeping on them so we moved them here with them.  Hobart is the only one we have left and he still sleeps there and we can't take them away from him.



  1. The casserole does look yummy! I will be watching some of the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet!! It's a hoot!

    1. We watched some Puppy Bowl too! Can't go wrong with baby animals!

  2. Your casserole looks tasty!
    We're doing wings, beef and cheese taquitos, salsa, chips and jalapeno popper dip. Not extremely nutritious but it will be good. ;)

    1. We ended up with a menu of bad stuff too, ha. But it was good! Yours sounds delicious!

  3. that casserole reminds me of one i used to make in the 70's. everyone loved it. i am going to try to stay awake long enough to see some of the superbowl. go bengals!

    1. It probably is. It's the standard broccoli, cooked rice, cheese whiz/velveeta, etc. We just add chicken to make it more of a complete meal, ha. We updated the post with a picture of it after dishing it up. Yum!

  4. The casserole looks really good!
    I picked the Rams, but have no dog in the hunt so I don't really care.

    1. Thank you! We were kind of on the fence on who to root for. I think they both deserved to win and it ended up being a good game.

  5. That casserole looks Delicious. I make A lot of casseroles here no matter what the season it is.
    Woke up this morning to 27 deg. but warmed up to the mid 60's so it turned out to be a beautiful day.
    Been on my feet since 2AM so I'm ready for a nap myself but have to watch the Super Bowl if I can stay awake for that long.
    I just finished up maxing up a big batch of suet for the birds and all the bird feeders got filled up as well, so that should make them happy once again. Usually between 5 and 5:30 the feeding frenzy begins.
    Enjoy the football game.

    1. Thank you! Y'all got cold!! But yes today was gorgeous. Yesterday was yucky but it improved. Love feeding the birds when we can. 2am? I think I went to bed last night about 1am, ha. You were just about to get up. ;-)

  6. Ohhhhhh, Hobart looks so comfortable and fluffy and adorable!!! What a gorgeous pile of floof. :)

    I'm with you on the casseroles. My daughter and I are vegetarian, and there aren't that many vegetarian casseroles out there, but I've found a few that really work for us and keep them in the rotation. We're having a breakfast casserole tonight, and it's awesome. Perfect for this 15 degree day!

    1. LOL yep he's floofy for sure. Thank you. He's a sweetheart. Vegetarian casserole I never thought about that. It does seem they all center around a meat. And FIFTEEN degrees? Sigh. I just don't know we're cut out for that kind of cold, ha. Stay safe and warm!!

  7. The ingredients in this casserole sound like I would like the casserole. Tommy has no interest in the Super Bowl, so nothing happening here that interests me, either. I love the cushions and the sleeping Hobart.

    1. We had a post with the recipe. This time we just added cooked chicken cubes (pan cooked boneless/skinless chicken thighs cut into cubes). We ended up watching all of it. Sadly the commercials were not that good. A few standouts but not nearly as good as years past.

  8. Your casserole looks wonderful! Yum!
    That cold front yesterday came roaring in - the wind howled for hours and the temperature dropped like a rock. I made Taco Soup to warm up. I had to cover up some plants because another freeze was predicted. It got down to 30.
    Hobart looks so majestic lounging on his cushions.

    1. It got cold quickly here too. Thankfully only down to 31 at the farm. Of course wouldn't it figure I uncovered the plants before we knew what the forecast low was going to be. Oh well, we'll see what happens. Hobart thinks he's majestic, oh wait, of course we know he is, ha. Stay warm!!


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