
Monday, April 25, 2022


Figured it was time to give a garlic update.  We planted the seed garlic last November, almost 6 months now.  You can see that post HERE.

How it started...

How it's going...

The garlic is at the point where we are watering it regularly again, just to keep it growing.  We will keep watering thru the end of May and stop.  Then, as the tops start to fade, it will be time to harvest sometime in mid-June.

Then we'll hang it up for two or three weeks to let it dry and then it will be ready to store away and use.

We do love garlic and using it in our cooking.  When it's roasted, I could eat whole cloves.  However, 2nd Man doesn't appreciate when I do that, ha.


  1. I planted elephant ear garlic and my tops are roughly 4-6 tall at the moment and with the 2 inches of rain we had this morning sure does help from me having to water.
    I also noticed green leaves comi8ng up for the potatoes I had planted as well.
    Roses are in bloom, my cannas are coming up as well as my lilies.
    Everything is so nice and green.

  2. I've been following your garlic because this is the first year I planted some (ordered from the same place as yours). Hoping my crop is as successful as yours!


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