
Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Saw these at the store yesterday.

It's a new "shape" of Ball jars.

They are called "Flute" jars.  The package says they are a refined design for decor and drinkware.  To me that would indicate they are decorative only.  Nope, they are also sealable for up to 18 months.

It's hard to describe the shape so since the package was not shrink wrapped, I asked the clerk if I could take one out of the package and she said yes.

This is the shape.

Sort of a rounder/bulbous bottom that tapers up to a narrower top.  They are different that any other shaped jar we've seen.  Being pint size, we wonder if someone would still use them for canning (maybe gift giving canned goods?) or if they would stay more in the "decor/drinkware" category?  I didn't buy any, haven't decided if I should.  Since Ball does discontinue editions, maybe I should get some just to have for a future set so I don't look back and go "wished I had bought those jars I saw that time", ha. 



  1. Your comment section on the blog page is not opening up ... I had to come to the web page!
    You may want to buy one package of those jars just because and you know they will be discontinued!

    1. Now, of course, the comment section is opening up! LOL

    2. Very good point. Blogger has been having comment issues across blogs lately, not sure why. Sometimes just a click of the refresh button on a browser will put everything back (if they've updated it).

      But yep, they could (and probably will) just disappear one of these days. I'll tell 2nd Man that Marcia said it was ok, LOL!

    3. Weck have a similar shape but in a large jar and less decorative that they call Tulip shape.

    4. It looks like everyone thinks you should go grab a bunch of these jars! Tell 2nd man EVERYONE approves! LOL

  2. I would go and buy a box. They would make cute jam jars for gift giving.

    1. Gift giving is such a great idea because they have such a pretty and unique look. Be sure and check today's post for an "update" ha.

  3. i would get at least 1 box or more and can be used for dry goods, beans, pasta, baking chips, etc.
    Pretty to use as drinking glasses.
    Make an arrangement and use as flower vases.
    Put a string of Fairy lights inside and use a solar mason jar light lids as a pretty decoration on your porch. Add a wire hanger to hang.

    1. Use as dessert jars.

    2. Thanks for these ideas. Stand by for update, ha.

  4. If you have the storage space why not buy a dozen. Knowing you guys , you'll find a perfect use for them.

    1. We can always find a use for something like that right?

  5. I have not seen those. They are nice and I would use them for anything. They do seem and upgrade from the regular pints if one wants to use them for a vase. I like them.

    1. They are a nice shape, especially after I found some pictures online. Stay tuned for update.

  6. I would love those!! I would use them for making vanilla extract. Perfect for a lovely gift to share with foodie friends!

    1. OOH great idea for that shape, different and pretty for extract!

  7. Those would be fabulous for holding pickles or jellies or anything you would be giving in a gift jar. If I find any I will be buying them.

    1. They do look fancy to be more for a gift type of item.

  8. They look very pretty. I think I would use them more for drinking glasses or for storage of dry goods. If you’re making some canned goods for gifts, these jars would look pretty. With that roundish bottom, they may not be as good for a large number of canned goods because I think you couldn’t store as many in the same space as regular shaped jars.
    Since they are a limited edition, you probably should get some because, as you said, you’ll think of a good use for them and then they may not be available. Colleen had some very good ideas.

    1. I never thought about the "side by side" and "stacking" points. But yep, anything that might come and quickly go we might should take a chance. Stay tuned, ha.

  9. Ha. Even where there aren't already dozens of comments, someone else always seems to have already written what I'm thinking. Anyway, the point about storage and stacking is a good one. I also much prefer jars that don't have a "shoulder", as there's far less messing around trying to get the last scrapings of whatever out of it. Which is to say I'm less likely to have to use my finger. :-D
    You can see the Weck tulip jars here:
    On the whole, if the jars aren't any more expensive than the standard shape, I'd consider buying them. If they are more expensive, I might just buy one box to use for something special and/or gift-giving.

    1. You know I always forget about Weck. Of course I'm still a newbie canner so I guess I'll expand my reach, ha. They were a bit more pricey that getting four of the regular but like you said, gift giving is a great use since the look so different.

  10. That comment with the link to the Weck shop is from me. Blogger comments really are getting frustrating these days. Since comment with your google account doesn't seem to be working, I'm trying the fill in your name and website method this time.

    1. Hi and thanks for your comments. Yes blogger comments are acting up, I was on a forum and everyone is having issues but apparently google is "working on it". We shall see. Post anonymous anytime, it's ok, and you can always write "moon waves" at the end of your post and we'll know it's you. :-)


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