
Saturday, May 7, 2022


As this posts, I'll be heading to the farm...

2nd Man wisely chose the air conditioning of the apartment (plus he has work to do).  My goal is to mow (not really a goal so much as a necessity) and then I'd really like to get the peach tree in the raised bed and in the midst of all that, we have someone coming by.

But we're under this:

Our whole area is under a heat advisory, the first of the season and one of the earliest we've had.  It's the dreaded combo we know all too well in these parts, "high temperature and high humidity". 

It creates that feels like of 157 degrees.  OK, so maybe not exactly that hot but it's usually pretty steamy.  I'll stay well hydrated and do what I need to do and get back to the a/c as soon as possible.


  1. It's overcast here and having a very ( I do me very) light mist but no sun and it's 73 deg. at the moment. Maybe we will see some sun later on in the day.
    Stay cool and stay safe. Home you get things accomplished that you want to do; just don't over do.
    Enjoy your day and have a relaxing and wonderful evening

    1. Thank you, I did as much as I could but that was it. Just enough to get worn out but not to be sore, ha.

  2. i was working at the guest house this morning and had the news on and heard about your heat. omg, it is too early for that. we are going to be getting really hot at the end of next week and i am not happy. we have had tons of rain the last couple of days which is really good. stay cool!

    1. Yes, it's really warm really early. Ugh, going to be a long summer for sure. Thank you and I know you all need the rain so that's good. Enjoy your cool, at least while it lasts, ha.

  3. Here in Southern Illinois our temps for the coming week are high 80's into the 90's. It's way too early for this. Stay cool!!

    1. Seems like that's happening all over. Stay cool!

  4. 90’s are in the forecast for at least the next 10 days – ugh! With the high humidity, you feel like you need a machete to cut through the jungle of this heavy, hot air.
    We sure had a short Spring. I have lived here in SE Texas my entire life and we have never had a heat advisory for early May.
    Take care outside at the Farm today! Stay cool – but you’re always Cool anyway!

    1. Yep, I don't think those elsewhere understand how early this is for us and our heavy humidity is just so oppressively hot. Sigh. Going to stay cool, in both ways HA!!

  5. Please be careful in the heat. You're place looks lovely. 💖

    1. Alison!! Thank you, it's about to have some big changes, stay tuned. :-)

  6. I'm in S. CO and we topped out at 90° today and now, coming onto 5 p.m., it is starting to cool down a bit! We are in the 80s for the next 4 days!

    1. Wow that's unusual for you all too huh? I always associate CO with nice pretty much all Spring and Summer. Be safe and stay cool!!

  7. We had a lovely spring and now it is over!

  8. It has been hot here, but I like hot. Of course, I can stay in ac all day and do not have to mow.

    1. I'm not 100% opposed to heat but yeah as long as we have a/c and such it's not so bad. We just run from a/c house to a/c car to a/c store back to a/c car, LOL. Stay cool!!


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