
Sunday, June 26, 2022


It's hot.
Not much happening outside for sure...

We posted this on Instagram recently but for those who don't visit there, here it is here.  We made these using some leftovers we had and put them all together.

Toasted bolillos (a Mexican variation of a baguette, from a local bakery) spread them with some refried beans we had, 2nd Man scrambled some eggs and mixed them with pico de gallo, and topped it all with bacon, avocado and crumbled queso fresco.

A TexMex treat!

Hobart is asleep again on his afghan on the table for his weekend special treat.  Because...


Saw this and it made us laugh:

No truer words right now!


  1. You two eat well. It's hot here, too, but at 90 degrees (feels like 95) it's an improvement over the 102 (felt like 108) that we had a few days ago. My air conditioning couldn't keep up.


    1. We do eat well, ha. Thanks. Isn't it crazy when we are happy to be in the 90's instead of the 100's? Sigh. Stay cool!

  2. Y’all always have such good food at your house! All of those ingredients are good by themselves but you used your kitchen creativity for something WOW!
    Hobart has the right idea for these super hot days – just chill out.
    Good advice in that meme!

    1. We try, ha! It was sort of leftovers that we had and just put them together. Now we'll "add this to the rotation" in the future, ha. Stay cool yourself!! It's dangerous hot.

  3. When someone makes great looking; tasty food; You just never argue with the chef.
    Hobart sure does have a great idea......taking a nap. I was ready for a nap after planting 4 lavender plants early Sunday morning. At least I was able to get them planted before it got too hot; done by 7:30 am

    Do take care. Keep Cool

    1. Have you had luck with lavender? We've wanted to plant some sometime (when we have a permanent flowerbed) but the few times I've tried it just doesn't seem to make it. Maybe it's the variety. Keep us posted. Stay cool too!!


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