
Monday, June 13, 2022


Look!  A peach tree with peaches!

Alas, not ours (yet, ha).  Our tree is still growing.

Peach tree with peaches
This tree picture comes from a coworker who visited relatives in the country where they have several peach trees.  They were all full so she pulled a bunch...

Basket of peaches
...and brought this basket to the office with a note "pesticide free peaches from the country"!  I brought home about a dozen.  They were still slightly firm so we read up online to see how to ripen them at home.  The windowsill method is most common but we read about using a paper bag to speed up the process and we thought it was worth a try while giving us practice for ours down the road.

Ripening peaches in a bag
Simply put them in a paper bag, "shoulder side" down.  We didn't know they had shoulders but apparently that's also known as "stem side" down.  Oh and you shouldn't let them touch to avoid overripe spots. We placed them inside, spaced apart, six in each bag...

Peaches ripening
...and closed up the ends.  Peaches, like many fruits, give off ethylene gas that will speed up the ripening process.  Everything we read said to leave them for a  couple of days and so I left them on a cabinet out of the way and waited.

Part 2 tomorrow


  1. Sweet. Oh, what a wonderful peach cobbler they would make. In a bag, they shouldn't take long at all to ripen up. Did your coworker say just what kind of peaches they where?
    Save the pits and just maybe you might be able to grow your own peach trees to add to your orchard in time to come.
    Stay cool and enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.

    1. She didn't know what kind they were but she's going to ask her Aunt the next time she talks to her (and maybe bring us some more, ha). I didn't save the pits since we do have a peach tree growing but dang, we could stick one in the ground somewhere else and just let it do its thing. I'll ask her if she still have some because she took a few home.

  2. What a beautiful sight – a tree full of ripe peaches! Lucky you to have such a generous coworker.
    Your apartment must smell heavenly with that bag of ripening peaches.

    1. It's so pretty to see a tree filled with fruit like that. Yes, the smell is amazing. It's like potpourri! Ha!

  3. We always ripened peaches and nectarines by using the paper bag method.

    1. Good to know. I've heard of that before but honestly never really tried it. It works great doesn't it? Thanks!

  4. Place a ripe banana in the bag to speed up the process.

    1. Ooh, thanks for that tip. Will do that next time.

  5. In my opinion, Elberta peaches are the best. Those look delicious! I know you are enjoying them.

    1. There are some great varieties out there for sure. We don't know what these were but they were so flavorful. We'll be happy if we can get some peaches in a couple of years on our tree.

  6. I love fresh peach cobbler. I have three mango trees and have enjoyed them the last few weeks. I should say me, the squirrals and the birds have enjoyed them. The trees are taller than the house so to big to cover. I carry mangos to friends and people that I know like them. All my trees were started from seed. I have a small one started now for a friend,

    1. Oooh mangos are so good. Such a unique flavor. I should see if those will grow here. Thanks for that. How long did they take to grow from seed to fruiting tree? Might have to go with an already decent sized tree, ha.


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