
Saturday, July 16, 2022


We had some rain at the farm!

The pin below is the farm during the storm.

It came through Thursday afternoon and dropped a little under an inch according to the rain gauge.

The ground soaked it up like a sponge...

...and look at this.  This picture is from from today and the yard has greened up quickly.

Of course...

...we're back to the usual forecast.  No rain and we're back to 100 or more.

The green will indeed be fleeting.


  1. What a difference some rain makes! From brown to green-ish. I’m glad you got almost an inch.
    I got three tenths of an inch – every little bit helps. And it was nice to have the slightly lower temps for a couple of days.

    1. Definitely every little bit helps. A friend of ours said he has a feeling our August and September are going to be really wet. We'll see. Just not "flooding" wet, ha.

  2. Replies
    1. Hope springs eternal. :-) It will come back, it always does. For now, with this heat, I'm ok with the break in mowing, ha.

  3. Amazing how just a little bit of moisture makes such a big difference. We had received an inch. Every little bit helps and more than willing to take what Mother Nature gives us.
    Our 3-100 gal. tanks really helps when it comes to watering.

    Will have to mow our yard today. Actually it needed mowing a few days ago but doing other things and just didn't have the opportunity at the time.
    Everyone stay cool & stay safe.

    1. Right? It's nice and we'll take whatever we can get. Y'all have gotten a little more than us. We for sure didn't need to mow and there is ZERO chance of rain (at least so) through Sunday so I'm guessing it's going back the other direction and we'll be brown again.


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