
Tuesday, July 5, 2022


The bird netting seems to have worked.  We are getting ripe blueberries on both plants. 

Since they all ripen at different times, some are still pinkish or light blue...

...but others were ripe and ready for picking.  With them being in different stages, it's fun to look around to find the dark blue ones.  Here is what we got:

OK, don't laugh about our first ever harvest, we know it's not going to make a blueberry pie, ha!

For now though, this is proof of concept.  They've only been planted for a little over a year but we're happy that they seem to be happy.  We'll probably get a handful like this every week or so for a bit but the bushes are still small so we understand.  

These are the "tifblue" variety that are ready for harvest from "mid-June to late July".  Right on schedule

The other two plants are supposed to be ready to harvest in late August.  With our heat though, we'll just have to see how those go here in the next few weeks.  In the meantime, we should be getting a few each weekend, here for a bit anyway.


  1. Some is better than none, even if it is just a few. At least your netting helped from the birds getting to them few.
    You can always freeze those and keep adding fresh ones to your frozen ones.

    1. Yep, we're winning I think. I never thought about freezing them, d'oh! Oh well, they didn't last long and we have more (upcoming post) but I think they're done producing for this season.

  2. that looks exactly like my blueberry harvest from yesterday!

    1. It's fun isn't it? Someday, hopefully, it'll be more than we can use at once, for us and for you!!!

  3. It's a start! July is my blueberry month too, but I'm fortunate to have a large bush that someone planted before we moved here. I don't get the same harvest every year, but blueberry bushes are pretty faithful to produce annually.

    1. Hello Leigh! Thanks for your info on that. We are hoping that someday they'll be producing a lot. We're happy to just have some finally. We can just hope that they are bigger each season.

  4. That small harvest is probably the sweetest blueberry harvest you will ever get.

  5. Your soil amendments and prep really paid off! Your blueberry bushes look very healthy. And the most important part – they are producing!

    1. Yes, we're so glad that we did the right thing and they are happy. Hoping it lasts for years to come, ha.

  6. Hey! It's a beginning! One of these days you'll have enough to make blueberry crumble.


    1. Hi there!!! Yep, that day is coming. You'll see it here first, ha.

  7. Yum! I think blueberry pancakes (or waffles) should be on the menu!

    1. Oh how we love blueberry pancakes. We can't wait!


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