
Monday, August 1, 2022


Had to drop off my Jeep before going out because the battery was acting up and sure enough, it was going out.  In this heat down here in this part of the country, our car batteries last about 3 years if you leave your car parked outside most of the day, which I do.

Once that was done, it was off to the farm.  Wasn't sure if I'd have to mow but nope, what green popped up the prior weekend from some brief rains was quickly gone.

Here is a view from last weekend after we had some rain a few days before.  The green was coming back...

...and here is it Saturday when we got there.
Back to brown.

Here is another view of the driveway from a week ago when the green started peeking out...

...and again, Saturday when we got there.  Now this week there are supposed to be some more chances of rain so hopefully that will happen.

Left about 2:30 when it was pretty much 100 degrees.

Hope you are staying cool wherever you are.


  1. It's back to a hot week here in Southern Illinois. We have had quite a bit of rain though. Stay cool.

    1. Thanks, as I typed this reply there is a nice rain going on, here in Houston, not at the farm unfortunately but maybe it will head that way.

  2. No, not the heat. It is a good thing that I am not holding my breath while awaiting the posting of your joint plans for the future of the farmhouse. If I were, I would be dead by now. The same is true for the info promised for publication on Valentine's day. Is telling your readers how long you two have been together so dangerous? Remember what the late, lamented Harvey Milk said. Roderick

    1. Hey Roderick. I am not sure if you were around the blog when we had a post on our 20th anniversary. Here is the link in case you didn't see it:

      That gives you some details. There is nothing secret about it, I usually post on or around our anniversary. When you asked about how we met I thought that might be a fun post. But of course when I missed Valentines Day, I figured our anniversary would be a good time for that story. Just a random post in March or May about how we met would seem kind of random. That'll be in a couple of weeks.

      As for the house. We have had two posts ready to go...since March. One if it goes one way and another if it goes the other. We're hoping for the former and not the latter. The former is "contract signed/construction imminent" and the latter is "will try again next Spring". Being rural and a good 15 or 20 miles from home improvement stores, it's hard to get good people out. We have had four out...the only four in the area willing to come look at it. Throw in the interest rates changing every few weeks and it's been a process.

      Just never seemed like it would be a good time to post "we still don't know anything but we're waiting". But that's it, we got a couple of amounts, banks, balked, we got revised amounts, we got ghosted by one contractor, another gave us a ridiculous price and we're waiting to see when we'll get approved and/or if we like the plans they draw up. There will be details when it makes for an interesting post.

  3. I had more grass in my backyard than usual, but it's not the heat that turned it brown. It was the flooding of the yard from heavy rain.


  4. I can't tell if Roderick was being rude or not. You all do you, you don't owe any of us anything. I just enjoy living a little piece of your lives, whatever you like to share. Thank you. Janie V

    1. I don't think so, he always asks about those things and while he may have missed some earlier anniversary posts, he is curious about what we do with the house. We hope we gave some info up there as to why we haven't posted, just seems kind of pointless to put up a post that we don't have any info to post yet. We will when we have something to share. Otherwise it's just our boring lives. People either enjoy or move on, ha.

  5. I'm a lurker that doesn't comment often but I've been following you for years. My wife and I enjoy your journey and the steps forward and the steps backward along the way. We've been down that road to, it's not easy and in the end, we couldn't get anyone to come build on our property that weren't half a million or more (and had terrible reviews). A couple of years ago we ended up with a manufactured home. We got a quality one and it was $155,000. Today our same model is almost THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars. It's insane. If you can't do it this year, wait, prices will come back to Earth. In the meantime, you two have fun on the journey and like Janie said, you do you and don't worry about anything else.

    Be well.


    1. Well hello "lurker", thanks for stepping out of the shadows, ha. And following for years? wow, thanks. Yes, we have also looked at manufactured homes. 2nd Family put one out there a year ago. They paid $125k for it. She said that same model today is $240k!?!? We considered them but that's more than what we'd put into a remodel and at least we'll still have the farmhouse. We'll see how it all plays out. Thanks for "un-lurking" ha, come by anytime.

  6. Back to the hot and dry brown of summer – a true sign of the Dog Days of Summer.

    1. There's truth to that phrase isn't there? Stay cool! And hydrated!

  7. It is still hot here but we have been having some rain nearly every day.

    1. Houston had a nice little shower this afternoon but it never rained at the farm. They keep saying end of the week we have a good chance. We'll see if that happens.

  8. No rain here since the last part of May and that is when we received an inch. Dry, hot and brown.
    Guess we all have to be patient to receive a measure amount of rain fall. It's just a matter of When that day will come.
    In the meantime, “it’s so dry the trees and plants are bribing the dogs”. :}
    Everyone just stay cool and be safe.

    1. Never heard that phrase that's too funny! Yep, it will come eventually. We just don't want it all at once. :-)


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