
Thursday, September 22, 2022


Well, after a long, hot, dry Spring and Summer...

...the calendar says today is the first day of Fall!

 However, the forecast says otherwise.

99 tomorrow?

Really weather?  It's almost October and it feels like Summer.  No rain either.  Hopefully cooler weather is coming, but we also have to keep an eye on this:

This is still far out there but it's approaching the area that they call "the envelope" which can funnel storms into the Gulf of Mexico.  It should become a Tropical Storm and possibly a Hurricane.  They say by Sunday it will be near Jamaica and we'll have a better idea of the  direction it will head once it is in the Gulf.

Oh well, Happy Fall y'all!


  1. Hope the storm will bring you some rains but no real winds!

    1. Yeah, we wish but they say it could be a Hurricane by this weekend. We shall see. Models now moving it more Westward.

  2. Fiona has terrorized Puerto Rico ... at least Biden hasn't gone there and thrown paper towels at the folks!
    They sure need a peaceful and calm decade!
    Hopefully you will get some rain ... we've gotten some yesterday and so far today!
    Batten down the hatches if the big winds show up!

    1. Right? It's sad seeing all the damage and flooding there. And almost 5 years to the day. We'll batten things down. Just keeping an eye on it as they always say to do.

  3. yay!!! finally! i have a fire burning in the patio fireplace and it's windy nd spooky outside. i love it!

    1. Oh you are so lucky!! Enjoy it all, the weather and the ambiance!!

  4. The calendar says it’s Fall but the thermometer must have not noticed. No falling temps yet for Fall! 90’s for awhile.
    The storm heading into the Gulf is definitely something to keep an eye on.

    1. Yep, crazy weather. We're breaking records from time to time. And yeah, we need to keep an eye on the Gulf for sure.

  5. It was 96F here in Birmingham, AL today. October is our driest month, so probably not much more rain until November.

    1. We are usually dry in October too. We shall see. Stay cool as you can!!

  6. We are waiting here in Florida to see where this storm goes. I have window covers ready for my son to put up if needed. I sure hope they(covers) can just stay in the garage this year. I pray for the people wherever it decides to come to land.

    1. Oh my goodness, we didn't realize you were there. Gulf side or Atlantic side? I just watched the weather tonight and models are starting to come to a consensus with Florida a more likely target. Make sure you're prepared with all you need for supplies and stay safe. We'll keep you in our thoughts if it moves that way!!

    2. I am on the gulf side about 3 miles from the gulf and just south of Tampa. We are in the area that it is projected to hit. It seems to be moving west a little, maybe by the middle of the week it will. It is bad when they get in the gulf and can bounce around like a ball. I worked school food service all my life so we were always a shelter, so I have worked a number of storms and tried to please a few thousand people and a lot of them ungrateful and hateful. retired now and happy.

    3. Well bless you for your work over the years. We can imagine that was stressful more than not. We are thinking of you and Florida. We'd hope it bounces elsewhere but eve if somewhere else we wouldn't want a bad one. Let's hope it doesn't strengthen like they think it might. You stay safe!!!

  7. Up to 99 deg. here yesterday, but cool front coming in Sunday evening so a bit cooler temperatures for next week. Hot & dry with no rain in forecast.

    1. Yes, they are saying we could have some cooler weather next week and according to the weather, we need to watch the storm but it might end up moving more West, putting us on the "clean side" as they call it. We'll see.

  8. Here in NY state fall has arrived. The high yesterday was 61F. I was so excited to be cold! And I loved the cold rain showers that kept moving through. We could have overnight lows in the high 30s. I was so tired of hot and sunny.

    1. High 30's? Wow! That's cold but welcome after this crazy Summer. We probably won't see 30's until December-ish. Enjoy!!!


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