
Monday, October 17, 2022


It was a beautiful weekend, albeit a bit warm.  I was wondering if I'd need to mow, but...

Here is the side yard...nope, still have the tracks from the last mowing a couple of weeks ago.

And here's a view of the front yard from the mower shed, same here as well.  No mowing this weekend.  But since we don't want a repeat of the mower issues with stale gas, I fired it up.

I rode around for 8 minutes, ha.  I did turn on the blades and drove up the driveway and back a few times just to make sure that stays well cut.  So at least the Zen Machine got to do some work.

There was, of course, time spent on the front porch. Beautiful skies, a breeze blowing, birds chirping...

...and butterflies everywhere.  It was a nice respite from the busy work week.  We came back about 5pm.

But cooler nights are coming...well at least for a couple of days, ha.  Low of 49 on Tuesday but of course, it is Texas, we'll be back to 80's for highs / 70's for lows later in the week.  New weekend looks beautiful again!



  1. Rained here for most of the day yesterday and received 1/2 inch.
    I think our hummers have flown South but did see one the other day; a straggler flying though I guess. Will keep the feeders out yet for another 2 weeks.

    1. We had some showers moved through but nothing substantial. But it is cooler! Enjoy!

  2. I love watching butterflies. Enjoy the cooler weather.

    1. It was so relaxing! We want to plant tons of flowering bushes that attract them. Yes, cooler is already nice.

  3. we might get record breaking snow tonight into tomorrow morning!

  4. I’m sure Zen enjoyed its spin up and down the driveway. Just like with people, it’s good to keep the circulation going.
    Then you got to enjoy some wonderful porch time with the beauties of nature. Is that African Blue Basil that the Monarch is on? I have some and the bees and butterflies love it.
    I got only a few tenths of an inch of rain from the cool front moving in but it was enough to give everything a nice drink.
    I am looking forward to having a cool change in the weather for a few days, so that means Soup Weather. I bought some homemade noodles today to make chicken noodle soup tomorrow.

    1. LOL good way of putting it. Circulation is good for everyone and everything, ha. That's our purple vitex (texas lilac), they love it (and so do the bees). Soup and stew weather for sure. It may be fleeting.

  5. Sitting on the porch a bit under blue skies, watching birds and butterflies is good for all of us.


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