
Sunday, October 2, 2022


It's been a good weekend.  The weather is gorgeous I was at the farm all day, mowing, edging, relaxing...

Came back into town and 2nd Man made some pork medallions that he pan seared and then broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce.

It was simple but so good.

After dinner while watching TV, Hobart got up on one of his several blankets we have scattered around.  He was next to me on the couch and slept for a few hours.  I uncovered him for this picture, but normally he likes to be covered with just his head sticking out.  Because...



  1. A true Zen life. Labor of love, good food prepared with love and obviously not spoiled. What more could a man want?

  2. Your meal does look tasty ... simple and easy to do!
    Hobart ... had to enlarge the picture to figure out which end I was looking at. LOL
    Very overcast and chilly here in S. CO today!

    1. Ha, I know what you mean I had to look a couple of times as I was posting it, Chilly? Enjoy it! We probably won't be "chilly" until November/December, ha.

  3. Sounds like all went well at the Farm and that you had a good day there. It was perfect weather.
    What a yum-looking supper to come home to. 2nd Man does know how to cook delicious meals!
    Hobart is definitely living his best life!

    1. It did, update tomorrow with pics. We should all be as lucky as the cats that are loved in households.


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