
Monday, October 31, 2022


We always like seeing pictures from the farm in black and white, it gives them a creepy vibe...

Of course, mesquite trees are naturally creepy all on their own, ha.

And the long driveway looks like it leads to an eerie place, instead of just the mailbox...

Even the barn and mower shed look lonely and desolate...

But Hobart is here to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN from both of us!  By the way, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body but we love this look when he gives it. 😂


  1. Yikes! The black and white pictures really do make your usual beautiful Farm look scary! They would be more than enough to scare away any trick-or-treaters.
    And Hobart is “not amused” by the whole Halloween scene.
    Happy Halloween!

  2. Happy Halloween to you and Hobart!

  3. Best pic of Hobart! So handsome. Happy Halloween!

  4. I have not seen this look from Hobart! It seems to say “I am not best pleased with your performance in meeting my needs- step it up!” (we all know what a pamper soul he is)😉

  5. I really don't get into Halloween but I must say; I do like your black and white photos. The 1st photo; all it needed was a a couple of Halloween ghosts attached to the tree branch.
    Hobart; You sweet thing you. I see you have that look of Halloween. Now; " where are my Halloween treats?" :-}

  6. Hobart is beautiful. I love cats. 😻 JB in CA


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