
Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Anyone like mangos?

Honestly it was one of those fruits that I never ate when growing up.  Of course, I also think they weren't as widely available back then either or maybe grocers felt it was more of a niche market.  2nd Man had them growing up, very popular in the Hispanic community.

Now they are much more prevalent.

They are also a beautiful fruit.

I took this picture at the store.  2nd Man said "that would make nice computer wallpaper", ha.  They had this huge bin of them and then I saw the price...

33 cents each?  Three for a dollar?  Plus, as you can see, they were huge!  I picked up three and went back later for three more.

We left them on the counter for a few days to get a bit riper.  We equate them to an avocado when checking for ripeness.  You don't want them to be mushy but they should't be hard as a rock either.

The "pit" in a mango is different.  It's wide and flat.  They actually call it a "bone".  You have to slice on each side of it (it runs pole to pole).

Then you can slice (carefully) into each half and then crosswise so they are segmented.

Push it inside out so the pieces fan out like this...

...and then they are easy to slice off.

Then we store them in a container in the fridge and take them out and eat as we desire.  For me to be late in life coming to them, I LOVE the taste.  If someone asked what it tastes like we'd have to say kind of like a pineapple mixed with banana and maybe peach.

Not sure how else they can be used, maybe ice cream or a smoothie.  Is there such a thing as a mango pie?  We'll have to check that out.

So for you all, LOVE them or HATE them?



  1. Never had one, so have no idea what they taste like

    1. It's really good, a good combination of flavors.

  2. They make really good margaritas

  3. They freeze very well also. I have 3 (had) 3 one blew over with Ian. One is about 35 0r 49 foot tall and has big juicy fruit that I share with the squirrels. Not that I want to, but they are better tree climbers. They tend to eat one bite from each fruit. I cut that side of and wash the other good and peel, slice and freeze. They make a good pie, kind of like a peach pie when baked also make good perserves.

    1. Really? Good to know. I thought about growing one here since we love them but not sure how well they do it freezes.. And thanks for the info about a pie and preserves, I'll have to score some to put up the next time they come up for sale. Sorry about one of the trees, hope the other two are staying strong.

  4. Replies
    1. Yum, I figured they'd be really good in a smoothie.

  5. Add the diced mango to pico de gallo and use over fish tacos with coleslaw it’s divine!

    1. Ironically, we're about to have a post on pico soon, that's a great idea. I'll have to remember that next time we have some!!

  6. 33 cent each – that was a great deal. The store must have come across a good supply of them.
    I first ate a mango when I went to Australia and fell in love with the taste. I’ve eaten them ever since. One dish that I had there was Mango Chicken – it’s delicious. You just bake a chicken with cut up mango and mango juice.

    1. Yep, HEB had them. Not sure if it was just that store, it really did seem to be such a great deal. I didn't even see it in the paper ad. The first time I had one I was hooked, they are such a refreshing taste. The chicken sounds good, I'll have to look up some recipes.

  7. Love, love them but here in New England I get excited when I see them for less than $1.50 each.

  8. You have to be quite well-off to buy mango where I live -- $3.29 up to $4.49 each! Enjoy your beautiful bounty.

  9. I love mango anything. But, I have only put them in Go back and buy more at that price and freeze, maybe a dozen. You can figure out what to do with them later! Tommy hates them, but that's okay, more for me.

    1. Ha, my dad used to always say, when I said I didn't like something, "more for me". ha. I looked today (these were from a week or so ago) and they were gone. Sigh. I'll keep an eye out.

  10. Thank you for the mango tutorial! I've seen them in the store (although never at that bargain price) but never knew what to do with them. Recently, I found canned mango at Dollar Tree, so I've been stocking up for some winter variety in our fruit choices. But I know fresh is always better, and now I know what to do with them!

    1. You are quite welcome. The pit is the odd thing. It really is large and flat so cutting around it is weird. The fruit right around the pit is very fibrous so it doesn't really just come out like, say, a peach pit. But cutting them like that and pushing from the skin side is the way Hispanic moms have been doing it for years, we figure they were on to something ha.

  11. We love them and have made smoothies and ice cream out of them as well as added them to salads but love them best as is. In Australia we call the seed a 'stone'. If I came across a shop selling them that cheap I would buy a crate!

    1. They are good as is aren't they? Every time I eat one I always say "it's so refreshing", ha. I've heard the use of the word stone. I think that's used here at times as well. I wish I had bought more but I'll keep an eye out next time.

  12. I make a mango and chilli chutney. It's delicious with cold meats in summer

    1. Oooh, that sounds wonderful. I can imagine that taste is great with cold meats. Off to look up a recipe. :-)

  13. I was born in Thailand, and so have loved them since I was born! My favorite way to eat them is with sticky rice, and a sweet coconut sauce. Also mango cake (white cake, thickened mango nectar, sliced mangoes, whipped cream). Also mango salsa. And I love it fresh, all by itself!

    1. Wow, great suggestions. That cake sounds divine!!!! Thanks for sharing and stopping by!!! We appreciate it.

  14. Great buy on the mangoes!
    We like mango lassi which is sort of like a milkshake and a smoothie. Also mango salsa is really good with salmon.

    1. Sounds great. Another vote for mango salsa, ha. Will have to look those up.

  15. We love mango, used to eat them all the time when we lived aboard our sailboat in the Caribbean. Lately I take frozen mango and peach and after mincing them up and cooking, they make a wonderful jam. I add some lemon juice and coriander to it and yum! Thanks for your blog, I always enjoy it. Linda

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by!! LIving on a sailboat in the Caribbean? Now that is living the life!!! Love it. Mango-Peach jam? YUM!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  16. I've never had a mango, but you've made me curious. That's a great price.



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