
Monday, December 12, 2022


Here is some more of our decorating for this year.

The wreath on our front door.  Made for us by a coworker a few years ago and we love it.

We love poinsettias but of course, can't have live ones with a kitty so we use artificial ones.  This one we put in a vase we have out the rest of the year.  We put it on top of these tin containers we have to just add height and keep some Christmas theme going.  It's always nice to keep some containers on hand because not only do they add Christmas decor, they serve as a container for treats if we need them!

This is our dining table.  We have these glass containers on the table year round.  Sometimes, we have candles in them, other times citrus or other fruits, but at Christmas, we do this.  We put glass ornaments, red, silver, and gold, in them.  It is so pretty because the shiny metallic captures all the light in the room and makes them sparkle.  This year, we added this runner  embroidered with silver thread snowflakes.

This artificial plant is normally in the corner where the tree is now, so we have to move it.  This is by the front door and we just stick a big red bow on it and it's the first thing you see.

For those asking, here is Hobart's stocking hanging from a cabinet knob.

Shhh, don't tell him but he has some new toys in there, including a fun new laser toy, and some snacks. We have catnip up high in a cabinet so he doesn't "seek it out".  Because he's been a good boy.

This is our bar/storage cabinet in the living room.  We love these artificial poinsettias, found them downstairs a few years ago.  They are made of a velvet fabric and look so real.  Last but not least is our favorite thing to put out, our vintage Coca-Cola Santa and Rudolph.  The Santa has been in my family for years.

One more post with some more things, hope you enjoy our little tour of Christmas!


  1. Looking lovely and I like the vintage Santa!

  2. I enjoy seeing what you two gentlemen do for the holidays! You show your artistic tastes with such flair! 🎄🎁😊

  3. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful! The dining table decor is really spectacular, especially with the Christmas tree lights adding to their sparkle. The heirloom Santa adds a heartwarming touch.
    I know Hobart is excited about his stocking - hope he’s not trying to sneak a peek inside!

  4. These are all very lovely and classy. I love the dining room table decor.

  5. I am obsessed with that Santa, so neat. I remember something similar back in the 50's or 60's (yeah I'm old, ha). Very cool. And the dining table so pretty! Janie V

  6. Not only in your cooking abilities but also showing your talent in your decorating.
    Your apartment is so very festive looking.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us.
    Enjoy your day & have a Wonderful weekend.

  7. Everything looks so pretty. Love the dining room table.

  8. Lurker here but coming out of lurking mode to say we love that Santa, how fun is that? And it still looks new. Lovingly taken care of for sure. - Kevin


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