
Sunday, December 18, 2022


 I didn't take any food pics the last week (though there was plenty of good food had!) so today will be two for one Hobart pictures.

He had been watching us for a few years getting water from the machine.  So a couple of weeks ago, he went over there and meowed and we laughed and filled up a glass for him.  Oops!  Now here is his newest trick:

He goes over, meows and we fill up a glass with cold water and he sits there and waits while it fills up.  And then he runs to wherever we put it down...

...and drinks his "tall water" from the glass.  He still has two bowls of fresh water (changed several times a day) that he drinks out of and NOW we have to leave a glass sitting in middle of the floor in the dining room so he can drink out of it, because...



  1. Not only is Hobart one smart cat, but he has you two totally trained! You don't have to leave the glass sitting on the floor, you have chosen to do so and Hobart is laughing at you!

  2. How sweet.
    From the looks of it, Hobart now has you both well trained :)

  3. Hobart is so observant and intelligent! And he is an excellent human-trainer!

  4. You must do whatever it takes to make Hobart happy.


  5. My son has a cat that wants her water in a glass but on the side bar in the kitchen, she too has fresh water in a bowl at all times. When she stays with me when they travel, she needs a few sips of coffee in the morning and a small dab of sour cream to top her food off each day. I have her spoiled. This is a cat that has a passport, Germany, Dubai and back to the states.

  6. I would prefer my water in a glass, too.

  7. He should open a cat obedience school to teach other felines how to train their humans.


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