
Sunday, January 8, 2023


Here is Christmas dinner.  With the holiday (and New Year's) falling on Sunday, we saved the pictures for this for this post after things calmed down, ha.

It's become sort of our traditional dinner at Christmas. 

We got a carver ham (we LOVE them)...

And then we make some broccolini sautéed with onions and bacon...

I missed the picture of it in the pan but 2nd Man made a batch of macaroni and cheese...

And then we put it all together into one glorious plate!

It was cold that weekend (record breaking) so Hobart stayed snuggled up in our his blanket for the better part of two days.  This picture was funny because his head was sticking out one end, a leg out of the side and the tail out the back end.  Feline equilibrium?  Because...



  1. Hobart looks cuddly. And, the food makes me hungry even though I just ate. That blue pillow is so pretty.

    1. He was spoiled for sure. We kept him nice and warm. Seeing food always makes me hungry even when I've eaten ha. I can understand. Thanks, we don't necessarily have a thing for elephants (but they are cool) when we saw it with the colors and the pattern it was perfect for the couches. We have a couple nice accent pillows that work with them too.

  2. What a delicious looking meal and so appealing to the eye.
    Hobar has the right idea; cuddle up and taking a nice nap.
    Me, I have a 5 layer of homemade pizza in the oven, 6 if you count the crust

    1. Thank you for that. Yes, that was definitely a cuddling up napping weekend, ha. 5 layer pizza? YUM!!!!!!

  3. yum! i love hobart!

  4. Your Christmas dinner looks sooo delicious. And even homemade mac and cheese. Mmm! I'll have to try making my broccoli like that, sautéed with onions and bacon - sounds yum.
    Hobart is indeed the master at keeping warm and comfy!

    1. It was all very good, like we said sort of becoming our Christmas tradition and we also have at Easter. Yes, the broccolini is so good sautéed with onions and bacon. We love it. Cats are the best sleepers for sure, we could all learn from them ha.

  5. The broccolini looks so refreshing. Hobart is cute and earns his pamper.

    1. Thank you times two! Yes, it was very good and we let Hobart pretty much have the run o the place. We know he's King. :-)


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