
Monday, January 30, 2023


Well after skipping last week because of rain, and then the rain (and tornado storms) this weekend, it was time to check on things.

2nd Man stayed in town, there wasn't much we could do out there, I was just going to water the plants on the porch and check on roofs and trees.  When I left downtown, it was raining pretty heavily.  It was a sprinkle when I got out there.  No heavy rain thankfully, but it was wet.  In fact, even though my Jeep is 4WD, I was hesitant to park too close to the house so I stayed back as the photo above shows...

...because the water was like this in various spots around the yard and was muddy.  I've had the mower stuck twice before, don't ever want the car stuck.

I walked around to check on things, mostly looking for wind related damage, shingles, branches down, etc, but all looked good.  I watered the plants on the porch, moved some stuff to the mower shed and then the skies started getting dark again.  It was definitely going to be a quick trip for the weekend.  Grass is greening up but not growing tall yet.  We have another possibility of a freeze the second week of Feb (long range forecast) so maybe that will keep it at bay for a bit longer.

Here is near the fruit trees, at least we know they were well watered.  And the the well was watered, ha.

Speaking of fruit trees, one apple is budding out with blossoms.  Oops.

Don't get too excited Anna apple, Winter isn't over yet!


  1. we have had the mildest winter. i am so disappointed but considering the work i have to do, it's for the best. maybe we will get at least one snowstorm before spring!

    1. We had our super hard/rare freeze but otherwise it's been mild here. Now Dallas and places North are getting sleet, ice and snow tonight.

  2. This weird weather is wrecking havoc on my plants inner timeline!

    1. Right? They are all confused. I think some of us are too ha.

  3. It's bitter cold and windy here; in the mid 20's
    If you must get out, Do be careful on the roads. Stay safe and stay warm

    1. It's cold but no freeze for us. You guys stay safe and warm.

  4. The weather is mild here, but it will change. Many things are budding, so I hope it does not get too cold. It looks like you might be able to raise rice in your front yard paddy.

    1. LOL the rice comment made us laugh. 2nd Man goes "hmmm, can we do that somewhere on the property". Um no that's not how it works, ha. Spring will be here before we know it. Oh wait, I think we have to wait on Groundhog Day to see what he says, ha.

  5. Smart idea to not drive in all the way to the house – you have a lot of water there and the ground was probably very squishy.
    It’s great that you didn’t have any damage from the storms. That was some ferocious weather.
    So, it’s predicted that we may have another freeze coming in mid-February? That’s not surprising – it’s like we are all ready for winter to be over but Winter says he’s not ready to leave yet, so we get another blast of freezing weather.
    Anna the apple tree must have not checked the long-range forecast. My pear tree is really messed up also. It was blooming and even had some baby pears right before our big Christmas freeze. Of course, they all froze. Now it’s blooming again.
    To warm up this gray, rainy day, I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup. Nothing takes the chill out of the house better than something hot and delicious cooking on the stove.

  6. At the moment we are getting snow, sleet, thunder and rain.
    Right now the only thing that is left and not getting is the sun or a dust storm. :}


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