
Saturday, January 28, 2023


 After the tornadic storms of a few days ago, and the heavy rains and winds, I need to check things out.

Of course today doesn't look like this photo.  It's raining as this posts.  We had tornadoes, rain, it was warm for a bit, now it's cold again and raining.

This is about right for us lately, ha!

Hope you all have a good start to the weekend!


  1. Hoping everything was alright at the Farm. I think you got quite a bit of rain there.
    Looks like it's going to be stormy tomorrow. I still have water standing in the low places from the rain a few days ago. But my garden is loving this rain!

  2. Hopefully Everything was A - OK at the farm.

    Never know about this Texas weather; it can change pretty quickly in a short period of time and that is why we need to be prepared for anything at all times.
    Need to have a plan ahead of time before them serious storms move in.
    If you have a storm shelter; make sure you keep fresh water, a closed lid container with emergency items in, set of extra clothes, etc. and if you have a house pet, don't forget about them as well; pet carrier, food, water bowls leash, litter box, etc. One important thing that I have that not many people think of and that is a Good Whistle just in case you get trapped, you have a whistle to blow so emergency crews know where you are at. You want a whistle that blows loud enough for people to hear. When I go into town I have a whistle that I wear around my neck, under my shirt...........just in case I need to scare off a mugger. Last thing a mugger wants is attention drawn in his direction. A whistle can maybe save your life. You know that famous saying; 'Don't leave home without it.'
    Everyone take care, stay safe and stay warm.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Seen a double rainbow this morning.

      "A double rainbow symbolizes a transformation in life. The first rainbow is significant of our material life. The primary rainbow, where the purple rainbow is below that of yellow represents the descent from the heaven to earth. The second rainbow ascends from earth to heaven. Seeing one is very auspicious. Seeing one is a sign from the Universe to take note of your spiritual self and to listen to the messages.

      This is a time to reflect and meditate, discover, and grow."

  3. The weather here in Southern Illinois is crazy as well. We could have thunderstorms one day and freezing temps and snow the next.


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