
Sunday, March 19, 2023


 Sorry for late posting on this.  I thought I had this set to post but it was set for the wrong date and I was at the farm and missed it.

Weather is incredible today.  A far cry from yesterday.  Today is cool, breezy, sunny, and nice.

Tuna casserole
2nd Man's birthday was a few days ago and for us to eat this weekend, he asked me to make my tuna casserole that he loves so much.  So with yesterday, being cold and rainy,  I made up a large pan of it.

Tuna casserole and garlic bread
Here it is dished up.  So good and comforting.  We had it with garlic bread.  It was nice and he was happy.

The recipe is HERE

This is Hobart while we were eating.  The light was putting him all in shadow and we weren't sure if he was facing toward us or away from us, ha.  He got a little treat of some tuna and he was happy too.  Because...



  1. Tuna casserole is one of those old-fashioned comfort dishes and yours looks totally yummy!

  2. Happy Birthday to 2nd Man! The casserole dish of his birthday dinner looks beautiful. I know it was delicious. I’m sure Hobart said Yum! with his treat of it.

    1. Thank you for that, he was appreciative. Hobart did get a special treat, ha.

  3. That looks amazing. Is the recipe in your files? I couldn’t find it but I think I really need it!

    1. I don't know if you're the same anonymous further down who found it but just in case, I did update the post with the link. Hope you enjoy it.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday 2nd Man. Hope you had a wonderful day.

    Hot tuna casserole you can have. For some reason I don't really care for, or like the smell of hot tuna. Cold tuna sandwiches is more down my alley.

    In the 30's once again this morning.
    You both take care and have a Great day.

    1. I understand, it's an acquired taste I suppose, ha. Of course you could use chicken in place? Cold here too but warming up nicely now. Thanks again!

  5. Would love your tuna casserole recipe! Looks delicious!

    1. Hi! Thanks, I just updated the post to include the link to the recipe. :-)

  6. Found it by searching your site for Tuna Casserole. :D. I will definitely be making this. :D

    1. I was late updating it, sorry. Thanks hope you enjoy. It's very forgiving, you can use more or less of what you like. Add some cayenne for heat, leave out garlic if someone doesn't like, use different cheese, I even used one cream of mushroom and one cream of chicken once.

  7. Belated birthday greetings to 2nd man. Not sure tuna casserole would have been my choice for a special dinner though! Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Hey, I hear you, I mean I love it too, we literally only have this once a year, usually on his birthday so maybe absence makes the stomach grow fonder? LOL


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