
Monday, March 27, 2023


Well, we are a week into Spring 2023 and the fruit trees and bushes are blooming out all over.  Always a good sign that they made it through the Winter and are ready to do their thing:

Plum blossoms
Both plum trees are blooming.  The plum blossoms are so pretty against a blue sky.

Nanking cherry blossoms
This is one of the cherry bushes.  They are the "Nanking cherries" and both plants have blooms on them for the first time since we planted them. A few cherries in our future?  Fingers crossed.

Pear blossoms
Both pear trees are blooming, here is one of them.

Nectarine blossoms
This is the nectarine, finally coming back after it had a bumpy Summer with our drought.

Tiff blueberry blossoms
Here is one the two varieties of blueberries we have.  This is the "Tiff Blue" and both bushes we have of this variety are coming in nicely.

Austin blueberry blossoms
And here is the other blueberry variety we have, the "Austin", both of them are coming in nicely as well.  Already have the bird netting up on these.

Mayhaw blossoms
Look!  Flowers and actual fruit coming in on the Mayhaw tree.  Kind of exciting. We're guessing not enough to make Mayhaw jelly, but it's going in the right direction for some of that wonderful jelly in our future.

Apple blossoms
Here is the apple tree (not the new one of course).  This is our leaning "Anna" apple tree.  Lots of blossoms on it and it looks strong and healthy.

Flordaking peaches
Last but not least, we have actual fruit coming in on the peach tree!  Did not expect that, this is our Flordaking variety that we got to replace another one and this year it finally has actual fruit.

Two other trees have yet to show noticeable blooms or development from Winter dormancy.  The fig tree seems a bit behind.  Maybe it's a bit early for buds on it, not sure but no leaves at all yet.  The pomegranate is not doing well either, we think the freeze may have hurt that one but we'll give it some time.

Spring is here!


  1. My pom is showing life now. Be patient. Will be following your cherry and blueberry updates, it’s a great orchard! Deb

    1. Thanks, I was wondering if it was just delayed. Yeah, the cherries and bluerberries are most exciting. We realize we might still be a couple years away from large harvests but fingers crossed.

  2. Lots of beautiful blooming things at your Farm! All of the blossoms are gorgeous!

    1. Fruit blossoms are always so pretty aren't they? Thanks! We bet your place is looking nice too!

  3. Nice to see that Spring has arrived; everything turning green and things beginning to bloom, your fruit trees along with my roses, not counting all the beautiful wild flowers that are standing proud in the open fields and ditches. Birth of new beginnings is happening. Could do without these severe storms tho.
    Had A lot of thunder, lightening and heavy rain early last evening, but no hail. More storms moving in coming Thursday evening and into Friday morning; (latest forecast anyway.)
    With these Spring storms; everyone stay safe.
    Y'all all enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.
    1st. man; hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday.

    1. Storms were crazy this morning. We were supposed to have some yardwork (brush clearing/tree cutting) done at the farm today but that was a washout. Targeting next week now. I bet your roses are gorgeous. I see some around town in Houston with nice buds and flowers coming in. Spring definitely here!

  4. Success is wonderful! They are so pretty and hold the promise of future food. The sky is lovely in the first picture. Birds and deer might be scoping all this

    1. Promise of future food for sure. Yep, birds are our biggest worry, will get things covered by bird netting. Deer we're pretty sure the fishing line has eliminated that. Fingers crossed.

  5. wow, everything looks great! we are about a month behind you though it's warm already. we had no winter this year.


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