
Thursday, April 6, 2023


So this past weekend, it had been dry for a week and so it was time to mow.  Only the second time on the new Zen machine...

I opened the mower shed doors and the lights shone down and the angels were singing.  OK, so that didn't happen, but it DOES still have that new mower smell!

An hour and a half, about the usual time.  I had skipped a few areas because we were expecting the tree/brush clearing to happen but of course it didn't.

This new mower with its deeper mowing deck that allows the clippings to be chopped up longer, keeps it looking very nice when it's done.

Here's an angle we don't always show.  The back corner.  Hope that when they do the clearing, they will have time to do this area and clean it up.

We had some decent rain yesterday but scattered.  It's supposed to be much more today and tomorrow but they were a little wrong about the start of it yesterday, so we're not sure how much it will end up being.

Fingers crossed not too bad because we've rescheduled the clearing for next Thursday.  Hopefully, that will be enough time to dry out.


  1. Hopefully your conditions will be much better come next week.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful weekend and have a Very Blessed Easter

  2. I always like your pictures of your freshly mowed yard – it looks like a beautiful park.
    I only got .4 of an inch of rain so far but more is on the way. We need some rain but hoping it’s not a deluge.


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