
Wednesday, April 19, 2023


You may have noticed, we have not had any garden posts this Spring.  It should be in full swing at this point in the year.

This picture is from after Summer but before Fall planting.  But then after Fall, we just let the plants in and they died/froze and we haven't tackled it yet.

Honestly, it kind of snuck up on us.  We had other projects going on and our weather this year was a lot of rainy weekends in March.  But the main reason we decided not to have one is that we should have some construction going on at some point, fingers crossed (nothing to announce just yet but we're working on it).  That will have people there with cars coming and going and just other stuff in the way.

Not having a garden will allow us time to focus on other outside projects that we've put off.  I can just go out there and mow and edge and work on clearing some spaces without having to worry about the garden, weeds, pests, harvesting, etc.  One project I've really wanted to do is work on cleaning out and organizing the workshop and shed.  We'll miss having a garden this season but we just have to remember that we'll have all the time in the world for gardening.

The goal will be to have a nice Fall garden later this year after we have some other things done.


  1. hit the farmer's markets. that's what i'll be doing this year. i don't have the time for vegetables this year either.

  2. Gardening does take a lot of extra time so it's probably good to put it off if you have a lot of extra projects to do.

  3. Good idea. With so many things going on, you have enough things to already attend to. Fall gardens are nice too, with lots of great vegetables that like cooler weather.

  4. You could compost directly in those beds for the rest of the year. Then next spring you'll have amazing soil to plant into.


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