
Saturday, May 6, 2023


If you're wondering why posts were sporadic and we were not able to reply to everyone...well, it was bound to happen eventually we suppose.

We made it a little over three years until:

Covid postitive!

We're not sure who got it first or where.  I have a coworker who got it after being around family during a death in their family and she was in the office one day after what we later learned was her exposure.  She became very sick and was hospitalized but thankfully, is better and recovered.  Around that same time, 2nd Man and I went out and ran some errands, hair cut, grocery store, etc and, bad on us, we didn't wear masks.

Mine was what I would describe as a cold.  A couple of days with mild symptoms.  Honestly, I've had worse colds.  Positive and then negative after a few days.  He had more what we would describe as a pretty severe flu.  Very sick, coughing, aches, low grade fever, but then he got over the hump and is much better now too.

With us both having it at the same time, at least we didn't have to try to isolate in a small apartment...

We're both vaxxed and double boosted so we're grateful for it not being any worse.

As this posts, I'm off to the farm.  I HAVE to mow, it's been almost three weeks now but we've been rain free for a week.  I will drink LOTS of water and  won't overdo it.  Then, I will come back to rest the remainder of the weekend.


  1. I have not had Covid ... yet! Don't know if I will ever get it. I have been boosted, vaxxed for everything and just trying to be as aware and healthy as I can be!
    You two guys will be as good as new! ❤

  2. same thing happened here about 6 weeks ago. my husband went to a hockey game and he got it. he has sniffles for 3 days. i got it and it was more like the flu and i was really hoarse with a horrible cough and headache. it lasted for 10 days and i still don't have my smell and taste back. bothe of us have all the shots and boosters too. i was shocked that i got it.

  3. I am glad that you escaped relatively lightly. Take care.

  4. I am so sorry to hear that you both had COVID. I’m glad you’re recovering. Try to take it easy for a while. You did all the right things to avoid it but even with all the precautions and vaccinations, it’s hard to avoid a world-wide airborne virus. Like y’all, I’ve been vaccinated and twice boosted but I still got COVID twice. It left me with Post COVID-19 condition “Long COVID.”

  5. I had what I thought was a light case and then after two days got really sick, tired and falling asleep every time I sit down. I still get tired very easy, but I am 78 so part of it might be just getting older.

  6. Same here, vaccine and all the boosters, and we wear masks. I had 105.9 temp and decided it was not sinus infection. Covid test confirmed I had covid. I begged Tommy to put on a mask. He said it did not matter since we were in close proximity. He got it, but not as bad as I did. Neither of us lost sense of taste and smell. I had all the right kind of otc meds for the symptoms which he eagerly took, too. We both got the antiviral, took it and got better eventually. My doctor called it in. Tommy had to go to doctor. It took us a while to get completely better after we were negative. Take care.

  7. Do take care. Honestly; I haven't stopped wearing my mask.
    We had storms that moved in last night and into early morning hours. Had very Strong winds and hard rain.
    Don't know just how much damage we had, but took a peek outside and seen some things that have blown over and I'm sure shingles have blown off he roof. Will find out what all the storms has done once it gets daylight.
    Have a wonderful day.

    1. Received 2 inches of rain in about 20 min.
      Had shingles blown off, neighbors pool liner was in our yard, (they took down their pool a couple weeks ago),couple bird feeders down, bird water laying out in the yard-full of water, parts of a trampoline in the yard from the neighbors. Basically all minor stuff blown over.
      Good chance of more rain all week and possible chance of more severe storms. :{

  8. Oh My! At least you both have survived. People seem to think it is all over. I go Monday to get my 4th booster. Guess it is going to be like the flu shot from here on out.

  9. It's going to get all of us at sometime. I had it in August but Dan has yet to get it despite multiple exposures and not just from me.


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