
Friday, June 30, 2023


 Using up some days off and trying to beat the heat so today, while 2nd Man is at work, I am heading to the farm.  

It's going to be hot, we are still under a heat advisory.  I haven't mowed in over two weeks though it also hasn't rained in three so...then I'll do some edging around the fruit trees and of course water everything well and get my behind back into some cool weather.

Here's a little bonus Hobart for good measure...

...doing what he does best, and indeed all cats before him, finding a good place to sleep.

Have a good day, more updates this weekend since we'll be in where it's cool.


  1. Hobart is adorable. Stay cool! Here in Southern Illinois we're under a heat advisory also. It's already 100 with a feel like of 117.

  2. Hoping you made it alright at the Farm in this excessive heat. Hobart has the right idea - just chill out in an air-conditioned house.
    The weather forecast is for this heat dome to finally move off in a few days, bringing us a chance of some rain. Can’t wait!


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