
Friday, June 16, 2023


Instead of having them just from my coworker's family, we now have PEACHES OF OUR OWN!

Early this spring, our little peach tree that we replaced after the "big freeze" had seven little peaches on it.

We watched as they grew bigger and I put up extra fishing line "fencing" to keep the deer and whatever else passing through the yard, at bay.

Even put bird netting over the top to keep the birds away.  Sadly, when I was doing that, I knocked one of them off...and then there were six.

They kept growing until last weekend when we were able to harvest six peaches.

I couldn't resist taking an "artsy" photo of them. I think it came out nicely!  2nd Man said we should frame it and put it in the kitchen.  We like to have a record of our harvest to look back on and a pretty picture is always a good way to remember, ha.

We 💖 peaches!


  1. Replies
    1. Wonderful, we've been having them a few different ways, we'll be having a post on that soon.

  2. Do frame the picture! Six peaches are wonderful!

    1. Thanks, it is pretty. Six is not bad, maybe next year twelve? Ha.

    2. You could sell them to friends on the blog. Maybe sell them on etsy or somewhere.

  3. Beautiful peaches! Absolutely frame that photo and hang it in the kitchen. Your first homegrown peaches are something to celebrate!

    1. P.S. Have you ever thought of making a Two Men and a Little Farm calendar? It would make a great gift for friends and family.

    2. Aww, thank you for that. They have such a great flavor. Wow, a calendar for family/friends is a great idea. I think I could come up with pictures for every month. Thanks for that suggestion!!!

  4. Congratulations! Those are real beauties! I imagine the scent of fresh peaches is wonderful.
    I love your artsy picture of them.

  5. That is definitely a peachy 🍑 still life picture, suitable for having in your kitchen!

    1. "Peachy". I see what you did there, ha!!! Thanks.

  6. you have to frame that pic, it is perfect!!!

    1. Thank you, looking back at it, it does look pretty cool. Stay tuned for one I just did of some blueberries.

  7. We haven't had "locals" yet here in the pacific northwest... local peaches mostly come from across the mountains in Eastern Washington where it is much warmer/hotter. We did get some from TraderJoes but hard as rocks ... won't seem to ripen up on the counter even. oh well ... enjoy your own for us!!!

    1. Had to laugh at the Trader Joes comment, we got some once from there and could never get them to fully ripen, ha. We'll enjoy them for you!!

  8. I wish I could trade my mango tree for a peach. I have two trees and they are dragging the branches down with fruit. I keep telling people just come by and pick some, you don't even need to come to the door just pick some mangos. The squirrels are not to bad this year even. I can only eat and freeze so many; the fruit was one of my husband's favorites. W had three but the last hurricane blew one over beyond saving.

  9. Peachy-keen. What a great color they have. I bet they taste and smell as well as they look.
    Like your 'artsy' photo. Great photo to have mounted on canvas or use your photo and make a couple tile coasters made.
    The peaches would also look great placed in a white bowl or placed on a white cake stand using just a few of the peach leaves tucked in here and there.
    Looking forward into seeing your blueberry photos. You can make all kinds of tile coasters just by using your photos.
    By the way; I will be 1st in line to buy one of your calendars.
    Take care, stay safe and stay cool


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