
Saturday, August 12, 2023


Went to the farm today.  Just to check on things, take some more boxes and water.

No mowing.  We're officially in "drought status" now.  I pruned some bushes/trees and called it a day.

I stayed until 2pm and it was just getting too hot.

102, feels like 115. 

Safely back in town now where it's cool and 2nd Man is working on dinner. He even made a cake while I was gone.  More tomorrow for some good food and Hobart!

Hope everyone is doing great and staying cool.


  1. Stayed cooler up here in S. CO today ... overcast 🌥️ and a hope for some rain 🌧️ but that has not happened!

  2. We are truly well into the Dog Day of Summer. I’ve always wondered about the meaning of that. Google says: Sirius is nicknamed the "Dog Star" because it is part of the constellation Canis Major, Latin for "the greater dog." To the Greeks and Romans, the “dog days” occurred around the time Sirius appears to rise alongside the sun, in late July in the Northern Hemisphere. They believed the combined heat made these days the hottest of the year.


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