
Monday, October 2, 2023


 Well it finally happened this weekend.  I was able to mow!  With the sporadic rain we had last week, it was getting green in various spots and the trails were finally coming back as well.

With more rains possible later this week, we figured it would be good to get everything even so if it does get more water, it will all grow back at the same rate instead of having spots that were higher than others.

It was not the usual 1 1/2 hours I do, but it was nice.  The weather was hot, though humidity was lower than usual and there was a mild breeze.

I took the exit chute off so it would let the clippings go into the yard as they provide some nutrients to the growing grass.  We've done it for years and maybe that's how our grass always bounces back after droughts and super hard freezes, ha.

Either way, it got me on the Zen Machine 2 for the first time since June and y'all know that makes me happy!


  1. Hubby had to do some mowing and weed eating again yesterday as well.
    Nice to see a green lawn once again inside of seeing the so called Triscuit yard.

  2. Glad you were able to get to your happy place.

  3. The Fall rejuvenation is always so welcome after a long, hot, dry summer! I’m glad you got some Zen Machine time!

  4. That has been a long time to go without mowing.


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