
Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Have worked from home the last couple of days...

And for good reason.  Our roads froze over everywhere.

Here is the traffic map when we woke up this morning.  Ice on just about every roadway in town.  So everyone pretty much stayed home.

More healthy soup to keep us warm...chicken, mushrooms, carrots and lots of healthy, dark, greens.

Warm fuzzy socks on...

...and our wonderful Berkshire velvet soft fuzzy sheets on the bed. sleep. always.


  1. The chicken and vegetables soup looks so delicious and healthy. It’s perfect for this freezing weather. Along with your cozy socks and warm sheets.
    One more night of severe freezing weather. I am really looking forward to warmer temps. I’m not made for this freezing weather!

  2. It is 15 degrees here now, frozen streets, and many accidents, too. Staying warm is my goal. Not even stepping out of the house.

  3. it's 15 below here and i am loving it!

  4. Marcia in warming up Colorado!
    I don't think Hobart is the only spoiled and pampered pet in your household! LOL

  5. Oh that soup!!! Keep warm and safe.
    Mary in PA

  6. Fuzzy socks with shorts? Tell me it's not true!


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