
Monday, January 8, 2024


We went to the farm Saturday to check things out.  I drove all the way out there and back with 2nd Man as my copilot and did great, no problem at all.   It's been over a month since I was last out there and thankfully, it was all good.  "J" from 2nd Family had been watering the porch plants (the avocados, bananas, goji berry, etc) and they were all doing great.

I was hoping the grass hadn't grown since it's Winter and sure enough, it looks about like the last time I mowed it.  We've also had regular rains this Winter and so the fruit tree area is happy.  Of course, they are pretty much dormant now, waiting for Spring!

It was blue skies and an absolutely GORGEOUS day.  I watered the plants on the porch and we took some stuff to the barn/shed.  I also drove Bill the truck since it hadn't been started in weeks.  He kicked right in and started up and I drove around the area for a total of about 10 miles so all is good there.

We just sat on the porch for a while and enjoyed the view and discussed life and how blessed we are.  We also talked about the future and plans, more on that soon (no worries, all good news, ha).

It was one month ago today that I was in critical condition and in ICU following my heart attack and stents.  Wow.  Today as this posts, I'm back in the office, 1/2 day in and 1/2 day work from home this week as the doctor said he wants me to be close to the bed/couch should I need to rest.  Next week will be full time back in the office.

I'm also now wearing my "new bling", ha.  I deleted some info from the photo, phone numbers, names, etc, but you can see what else it says.  It's peace of mind as EMT's need to know about the stents, other info and who to contact I.C.E. (in case of emergency).

Life is good!


  1. That all sounds great. Anyone next to you could read all your information. I did not realize everything would be right there for all to see. I suppose I figured a person would need to turn the bracelet over or something.

    1. I could wear it with the top on the underside so no one could see it. No SS or anything just my name and 2nd Man's phone number. That's one reason I also got the pendant version, so I don't want the bracelet, I'll still have something more discreet. Plus when you order one, you can decide what info you want on. :-)

  2. Heartwarming to hear you are able to enjoy your previous pursuits.

    1. Thank you!! It was a good day and I felt good to be back there.

  3. What a month you have had including the good recovery!

    1. It's been a roller coaster for sure, but all good, knock on wood, now.

  4. It’s wonderful that you’re doing so well!
    And driving to and from the Farm.
    I know it felt great to visit the Farm and check on everything as you normally do.

  5. Glad you are feeling so much better. It has indeed been a rollercoaster ride!! You can always roll your bracelet around so the info is on the bottom of your wrist. I've tried both ... I use the dog tag style when out and about ... here at home all the info is on a sheet on the fridge. Plus hubs is here too. Here in the NW its cool enough almost year round to wear a t-shirt ... and I prefer the dog tags on top of that... otherwise it sticks to my skin! Continued good luck.

  6. I can hardly believe it's been a month already! Slow and steady will get you further then trying to rush anything! Don't let work stress you out!
    ~ Marcia in CO
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