
Monday, February 5, 2024


 This is a storage tip for something we use that works great.  We like to be organized whenever we can  One thing we found that works great for inexpensive storage is a pencil box.

During the school year, you can find them almost everywhere.

I found the long one on the left at our local grocery chain, and the other smaller one on the right was from Walmart.  The bigger one was $1.75 and the smaller one was .99 cents.

What makes them great is that you can put just about anything in there as long as it fits.

This one stays in a large drawer to keep our chip clips and similar items all together.  That way, they are in one place and don't move around ending up at the back of the drawer, ha.  It's also nice to pull out the box and find just the right clip for the job.

We used the longer one for the attachments to our hand held mixer.  Again, keeps them all in one place (this sits on a shelf behind the mixer) and bonus, they stay dust free and clean until you use them.

Check this out!  Eight spice containers (from Penzey's anyway) fit perfectly in another one.  It makes it easy to keep similar spices together.  Right now we only have this one, but 2nd Man wants me to pick up some more so we can put jars in others and have "theme boxes".  For example, Mexican cooking, Italian, seasoning blends, baking spices, etc.

But, they are not only for the kitchen.  This one stays in our bathroom drawer and keeps our bandages and minor would care needs all in one spot.

Grab the box and go!

Of course, you could use them in a desk or craft room.  In our smaller apartment, it helps with organization for sure, but this will be something that helps at the house as well.

Always great to stay neat and organized!


  1. If you do art or crafts like knitting or sewing, fishing tackle boxes and tool boxes are also pretty wonderful. They're a fraction of the price art and dedicated craft containers are, but come in an amazing variety of shapes and sizes at a fraction of the price.

    1. Oh, that's smart!!!! I never thought about that and they have all the little compartments (my Dad and Grandfather went fishing often and I remember those tackle boxes). We will have to remember that!!

  2. Great idea about the pencil boxes. They are flat, stack well, and have attached lids to keep things contained and clean. The themed boxes of spices is a very good idea.

    1. We should have mentioned, yes, they do stack because they are usually made like that with little feet on the bottom and indentions on the top (if you get several of the same brand of course). We love the spice box theme idea too. Working on a few of them now actually.

  3. I am a huge fan of non-traditional uses for storage.

    1. It really is fun when you discover just the right thing for storing something in. I feel that way when I find a great box or something downstairs, ha. We can always use great ways to store things.

  4. I love pencil boxes. I have bought many for all sorts of things. If you play it right, you can find them for a quarter after school sales. They make an extra little gift for kids who love things in which to store other items. I even buy the soft, zippered, quilted pencil pouches. They work well, too. I use them in my suitcase for traveling and in my purse to separate items.

    1. Now THAT'S a smart idea, the after school sales. Will have to remember that. You can also get colors, instead of clear so it can match your decor too if you want. Great idea about using them in a suitcase too!! We like zippered pouches too.

  5. I use many of them clear containers to store some of my wooden rubber stamps in.
    The long ones like you have shown, I store my craft paint brushes in.
    Containers are good for so many uses.
    Also great to store flash light / remote control batteries in as well.

    1. Oh wow, PAINT BRUSHES!!! Brilliant!! We have a battery buddy caddy thing I got a couple years ago that I LOVE for our batteries. I need to post a pic of that sometime. :-)


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