
Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 A mileage milestone...

Bill, the farm truck, crossed another thousand miles to 227,000.  I even pulled into a parking lot to memorialize the moment.  Being a 2006, every additional thousand miles is a milestone, ha.

When we got it three years ago, it had about 225,000 miles on it so we've put on a couple thousand.  It's been driven back and forth from downtown to the farm a couple of times and I used it for a month going back and forth to work when my Jeep was in the shop.

Otherwise, it gets its mileage in on errands back and forth to garden centers and hardware stores.

As a reward, we took the truck to a carwash and ran it through.  It was good because it cleaned out the bed/backend of leaves and stuff from Fall/Winter.

It's still ticking, knock on wood!  With as few miles as it's driven now that it's out there (just errands nearby, garden centers, home improvement stores, etc), we are hoping it will last us a long time more.


  1. You are doing the right thing, putting a few miles on it and not letting it sit around. Nothing is harder on a vehicle than sitting idle for long periods of time. Keep using it and keep all the fluids up and is should last you for a long time.

  2. If left to sit it would just end up with flat battery which is annoying and become rusty neither are good

  3. You're doing the right thing by giving it drive time. Much better than just sitting around doing nothing.
    Our 2001 Ford truck had 3 hundred and 80 thousand miles on it before the engine went out this last Nov. The truck was the only vehicle we had, so we got A lot of use out it. Now driving a white Dodge Ram.
    Having all kinds of severe weather in and around the area here. Muggy and not a leaf is moving.
    Take care, stay safe and have a wonderful evening.

  4. I have put 2000 miles on the 2008 Impala which now has 52,000 miles on it in 3 years. I hope it lasts a long time. Driving it is a help to keep your truck going for a long time.

  5. I’m glad Bill the Farm Truck did not receive any damage from the tornado and storm. With the excellent care he has now

    1. (Oops, sent too soon) With the great care he has now and weekly excursions, he should last y’all many more years.


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