
Sunday, May 19, 2024


 What a last few days it has been. Went to the farm yesterday, as a preview, everything was mostly good, house and outbuildings.  Big photo update on tomorrow's post.

We made some chicken legs in the oven, skinless and covered with some chili powder from New Mexico (courtesy of my wonderful boss).  I made the corn and black bean salad that has quickly become 2nd Man's favorite now.  Of course w had a salad on the side (we eat a salad almost every day now).

Hobart was oblivious to the storm (which is good) and today it's sunshine and so he's recharging his batteries.  Of course this is the middle of the floor and so we walk over and around him.  Because...



  1. As usual, the meal looks delicious! 😋 Hobart looks full and fluffy!
    Looking forward to the pictures from the farm!

  2. Besides being happy for everything being mostly good, I am glad Hobart has y'all properly trained.

  3. Since I really love black beans and corn, what besides the red onions do you put in that salad? I was hoping things would be okay with y'all. With all the electric outages, I was afraid you might lose yours. Happy the farm is okay, too.

  4. Yum, that meal looks really good!
    Hobart does know how to find the best place to sun himself, even if it’s in the middle of the floor.
    I’m glad the Farm survived mostly good from the terrible storm.


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